Cheri's Comments

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At 12:07am on March 5, 2012, Jen, Brody & Buddy said…

We are moving to Wentzville/Troy/O'Fallon area... Actually, we are leaving in 3 days to go look at houses. Where are you located?

At 3:56pm on March 25, 2010, Liz Hart gave Cheri a gift
Wow Cheri is a looker! I am new here and just started a blue merle group. Can I beg you to join? Right now it's me and my dog and we need help! lol
At 3:24am on March 15, 2010, CorgiLove said…
Hey, thanks so much for the comment! It's a pretty new issue for us as Philip hasn't had much trouble with jumps in class, and we go every week. I guess the problem really showed up at trials because of the jumpers courses - in class we mostly do standard runs, and with fewer jumps there are fewer chances of knocking a bar of course. I do agree that it's most likely an approach issue, but it's definitely not a consistent one - he clears doubles, triples, and broad jumps just fine, but the occasional single goes down. It almost seems like he's simply being a bit sloppy about it - he generally clears jumps very close to the bars, so any small mistake sends the bar down. Hard to train too since it's never a problem with just a single jump - it's the series of one after the other that's been getting him. I really need to make more jumps at home and practice, practice, practice. I'll have to try the angled bar trick too though, and check out that lady you mentioned. Thanks! Another trial in a couple of weeks - we'll see how he does.
At 9:58am on January 26, 2010, Cooper, Nora, Grady, Izzy & Jax said…
p.s.- where did you get Dudley from?
At 12:32pm on January 25, 2010, Cooper, Nora, Grady, Izzy & Jax said…
thanks, I can't wait to bring him home! Your Dudley is quite the handsome guy! I've watched his agility videos and he's soooo cute! I've got my Pems working on agility classes now.
At 6:58pm on December 10, 2009, Bonnie Mills said…
Hello there! As is Dudley~! I've been doing the same over the last few days and Mab has really grown a lot! Well as they say a Corgi is "A Big dog in a small dogs body".
Our Ridgeback is a great dog, we love her very much and she gets on very well with Mab our Cardi.

Bonnie and Mab.
At 6:18pm on December 8, 2009, Bonnie Mills said…
Gorgeous Cardigan! Love the Blue merles. He's just such a handsome dog.
At 11:42am on October 15, 2009, Missy D said…
Make sure you let me know if you are coming up to Des Moines! Kodi is still a little young/growing for much agility yet, but I am hoping to do some Rally soon.
At 8:34am on October 15, 2009, Tiffany said…
that camp sounds like sooo much fun! Where is it located?? I'd love to bring my boys! Dock diving sounds like a blast!!

I'm new to the whole breed handling thing too! It's been fun and interesting. I think my biggest challenge at the moment is getting Uno comfortable on the table. He's not too sure about it and it's obvious. Otherwise he's over the top enthusiastic LOL. Way too happy of a dog.
At 7:49am on October 15, 2009, Tiffany said…
thank you! I love your Pem as well :) So cute!

Dock diving? What was that like? I've always seen the action on tv but never in person.

Cooper (my b&w) LOVES to swim. Last year one morning we went running with my boyfriend at the park and Cooper saw the ramp to this duck pond... ran straight for it and dove right in. I of course was none too pleased considering the water was a heinous green color. Cooper on the other hand seemed to be quite proud of himself hahaha.

How is the agility going? I can't wait to get started with Cooper. I think Uno would love it too! I did a little bit of agility when I was younger with my Siberian huskies.. it was a blast!
At 7:44am on October 15, 2009, Tiffany said…
thanks for the add! Dudley is gorgeous!!
At 6:55pm on October 7, 2009, Charlie and Bode's Mom said…
Thanks for adding me as a friend. We haven't been to any trials yet, so maybe we'll run into each other in the future!
At 10:00pm on March 31, 2009, Megan said…
Cheri, yes, Pem Nationals are in my backyard!! Ft. Mitchell, KY. I'm excited--I'll be entering Dally in agility and hopefully Rally (not getting too serious about it right now, just want to title in something at Nationals.
At 4:29pm on February 25, 2009, Tina and Cooper said…
Your puppies are so sweet,,thanks for the add,,,,If you like photography im on were you can meet me and my family through my photo's :o) ~tina~
At 2:38am on February 21, 2009, Colston's & Monster said…
Your babies are beautiful! I have a new fascination with cardigan blue merles (sp?) I am probably going to have to break down and get one!
At 3:01pm on January 29, 2009, LORRAINE said…
How lovely to have one of each! When i was a little girl my pem was also called Taffy an he was great dog . Now i have a cardi called Wilf an he certainly is a one off!!!!
At 1:20pm on January 27, 2009, Megan said…
I love your photos! We've only done CPE (and AKC) for almost a year, and will be going to only our third CPE trial in a month. I haven't done much of the games, but will go in head first at the next trial. It's nice and relaxing compared to AKC, though this past weekend Dally got her Open JWW title, so we're in all Excellent just in time for our "one-year trial."
At 8:59pm on January 26, 2009, Alice said…
That's interesting. Finnigan tends to run a little sideways sometimes and I always joke that maybe one of his hind legs is longer than the other but I guess you never can tell. The vet has felt his joint quite a bit because when we got him he had a really tough time using his back legs but he said it was just because the ligaments were loose and needed to be strengthened through exercise. That could be the reason for his funny running still but if it continues as he gets older it may be worth it to have him x-rayed. I'll have to keep that in mind.
At 1:26pm on January 26, 2009, Shepdog said…
Ah, Dudley is such a good-looking boy, and Taffy is adorable. It's fun to see the two breeds side by side, isn't it? Such a difference!
At 12:37pm on January 26, 2009, Alice said…
What did Dudley do that made you think something may be wrong? I wouldn't know what signs to look for. We don't let him go up or down stairs (which makes taking him potty really fun since we live on the 2nd floor) but sometimes simple things like going up the curb of the sidewalk can be a task. The other day he tried to step onto the curb and didn't judge the distance right and his back half slipped off. It looked like nothing but he started helping. We inspected his legs and paws and found nothing. A minute later he helped again and started biting at his shoulder. Perhaps he sprained it a bit. He's been fine since, but still it made me nervous.

Where did you get Dudley, by the way? He's such a beautiful dog.

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