WhiteDove's Comments

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At 7:15pm on October 26, 2008, Sir Riley of Pembroke said…
Thanks so much. The tears still come but things are getting brighter. It's just so hard that everywhere I look I still see him. I know with more time it will get better. I ordered a necklace that they engraved Riley's photo into. I can;t wait to get it because then he can still go everywhere with me. I hope you have many more years with your furry friends thanks for taking the time to give us a sweet comment we still can use them, How did you get the corgi curser?You are so lucky to have three corgi's I am trying to get my husband to get another one sometime but he is not ready yet.
At 4:25pm on October 25, 2008, FrankT said…
Thanks for the invite White Dove. Great site.
At 10:25pm on October 22, 2008, Sylvia said…
thank you so much for making me a friend on here! It's good to be able to start meeting other Corgi Lovers!
At 7:06pm on October 22, 2008, Carly & Libby said…
Wow! We have the same birthday and similar interests! I've been doing paleontology work recently and I also play the guitar. You seem to have as many pets as I usually have, just not right now. Well great meeting you, love your page too!
At 4:47pm on October 22, 2008, Temple said…
Absolutely adorable!!!
At 3:51pm on October 22, 2008, Molly said…
Thanks for the add :) Your kids are super cute & look very well loved.
At 11:13am on October 9, 2008, Chelsea said…
Thanks for the add! Your 3 are so adorable, they look so happy!
At 10:00pm on October 8, 2008, metisse said…
Thanks for sharing your info. Yeah my 8 week old Peanut is more than a hand full. She's so playful, loves to bite (teething), and loves to bark. I live in an apartment, so that's difficult to deal with.
At 3:16pm on October 7, 2008, Wendt Worth Corgi's said…

Love the picture of you w/the 3 on your lap. The dog in the back has the best expression...like he's smiling and thats what Corgi's are known for..their smiles!!! Great group you have there.
At 3:10am on October 7, 2008, S said…
It took me forever and a half, but I finally put up a picture. I need to go through and put up more. Love your page!
At 8:49pm on October 2, 2008, Tracee Adkerson said…
Wow, your page is amazing. So cute. I love the corgi pointer. Your Corgi's are very pretty. Thank you for adding me.
At 8:18pm on October 1, 2008, Cj & Lizzy said…
Thank you for the add! (: Your corgis are absolutely adorable!
At 9:32am on October 1, 2008, Perla said…
i know! i can't get enough of my little Jabber. he can do no wrong!!! He just brightens up my day when i come home!
At 6:19am on October 1, 2008, Anatol said…
This is the nickname my mom gave to me, I´m from South America and we moved to Austria 24 years ago, and the funny thing is that I started to use my nickname because nobody in Austria knows the meaning of my real name that is Maria Paz.
You an your Corgis look so lovely and happy!!!!!
At 12:20am on September 29, 2008, Jen said…
Wow! King, Princess and Star are VERY lucky corgis! They look so happy and always have the most beautiful smiles on their faces! I think you really are the "one!" :D
At 10:31pm on September 26, 2008, BeanDip4All said…
I love how you have the Rivendell song as one of your soundtracks! You sure have some handsome pups there! You all look like such a happy bunch!
At 7:42pm on September 26, 2008, Gail's Lil' Gizmo said…
Your pups are just beautiful and so happy looking (I love the sleeping) pictures.. they are so cute when they are sleeping. Gizmo sleeps with me every night and there is no better cuddle bug.. LOL.. I love your site.
At 11:20am on September 26, 2008, Annette Birchler said…
I love your MyCorgi My Page site, and the music is great! Hopefully you can help me find a new Corgi puppie. Your corgi's are so pretty!
At 1:15am on September 24, 2008, Katelyn said…
ADORABLE corgi's you have there! =)
At 3:01pm on September 21, 2008, lizabeth lubin said…
Hello. Thanx for touching base with me. As I sit here Zack is chewing on a picture of mine and then as I bring it to his attention that this is not ok, he starts eating my door.....What am I to do? Would another corgi make it better for Zack? I dont know if I could handle another dog????So confused.

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