Cindi's Comments

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At 1:21pm on December 30, 2007, Laurie said…
Thank you for your comment. This was Rosie's first birthday and we were having quite the celebration. We bought her a special doggie birthday cake, but she much preferred the people cake. Rosie is our third corgi. We lost our other two babies in a housefire in July 2006. Rosie came into my life when I really needed her and I love her more than anything although I still miss my Sophie and Millie.
At 12:28pm on December 30, 2007, Mandy and Lori said…
It is nice to know there are knowledgeable people on here!! I will keep in touch with you and CorgiMom. I may need help some day if Mandy ever gets sick.
Congratulations on Rudy!! I cannot wait to see the picture!! Have a nice day!!
At 9:47pm on December 28, 2007, Patti said…
Moon, about Luna's coloring - when my 14 yr dog Maxie passed away we waited till the right time to get another dog and contacted out usual breeder, but she had no litters for another year, however she put us in touch with a friendbreeder who had a litter/ We wanted a b/w like Kai, we went to look at the pups and as I was speaking to the breeder, my daughter appeared with Luna in her arms - 'nuff said... Thanks 4 your comments and all tht u do with the rescue, therapy, and weight loss stories - Kai has been on the green bean diet a time or two!
At 12:31pm on December 28, 2007, Natalie said…
Thank you. Glad I joined this site.
At 1:27am on December 27, 2007, Angie DesPeaux said…
Thank you! I am so glad I finally joined this site, I've been looking at it for weeks (haha, and I just got Emma on Sunday, hehe) and it seems like there's a lot of people here who really know Corgis.
At 3:41am on December 23, 2007, Corgi Bear and Handsome George said…
Big attitude most definitely.....this is her pic waiting for room service and a cup of joe...
At 6:01pm on December 21, 2007, Theresa W. said…
Thanks for your comment. My Border Collie came from a shelter as a pup and started training after our Corgi had already been thru Obedience 1 and 2 (almost a joke, Corgi obedience? They just let us think we're getting them to do what we want them to do!) Ollie, our BC, learned sit and down before we got to it in class, from his lil sister Tori --- and we got in trouble for getting ahead of clicker training.

Glad to see the Susan Strickland article on the BIG Corgi. I ope Moira has slimmed down. I was happy to have read the artcile when we first had our Corgi. Our previous dogs (German Shepherd and Malmutes mixes) had always been free range. Corgis cannot have control of their food. They're instatiable!
At 7:02am on December 14, 2007, Avyon said…
Thank you! :)
I promise I'll get another vid with the missing stuff. We were all full of turkey and her 'cousin' was barking through the glass doors so we did what we could hehe.
At 3:54am on December 12, 2007, Kim Sigernes said…
Well, now I have seen pictures of the american basset.
- Everything is bigger in America! Hahaha
At 1:22am on December 12, 2007, Mike L said…
You have so many corgis! That must be a house full of love!
At 8:10am on December 11, 2007, maggity said…
You are doing wonderful things in your life.
At 4:49am on December 11, 2007, Kim Sigernes said…
You wandered what a basset artesien looked like?
Now, I have updated my album - be welcome to take a look :)
At 6:57pm on December 4, 2007, Kate said…
ty for the link to the article! Seems we're still not low enough on food for him. We'll have to cut Kirby down another 1/4 cup more to get him in the range that the article talked about. I'm sure it will not be easy as Kirby is so desperate for food he tries eating carpeting
At 10:36pm on December 2, 2007, Paul Cobb said…
Thank you for your kind words. Paul
At 2:57pm on November 29, 2007, Melissa said…
Thanks...Gus just graduated last week!!!
At 11:06am on November 27, 2007, Cheri said…
isn't Taffy a hoot! When she peeked around my husbands legs to make sure she was on camera, the judge started giggling. It was too funny.
At 6:45pm on November 26, 2007, Peanut and sarah said…
Peanut loves liver treats and over the weekend I learned he loves his bully stick too!!
At 10:02am on November 22, 2007, Christine Glossman said…
Corgis do rule! I look forward to chatting with all of you. Happy Thanksgiving.
At 12:21am on November 20, 2007, Kelly said…
Hehe! :) Thanks...Mr. Pickles cuz of course, he's long like a Pickle!
Thanks for the welcome! I'm looking forward to being a part of this community of fellow corgi lovers!
At 11:13pm on November 15, 2007, Susan - Fromax kennel said…
Thank you for your comment. I am glad to have you as a friend. I just looked in to this Forum for the first time.

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