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At 10:58am on July 24, 2010, Daniel M said…
I contacted them but all those breeders have no puppies at the moment.
At 10:38am on July 24, 2010, Daniel M said…
Thanks, but i have been looking into the adult dog the breeder has. The great thing is she lives right by me, 30 mins so i can drive over and visit her. The breeder is whitehaven corgis.
At 9:42am on July 24, 2010, Daniel M said…
Hey sam, would you happen to know any breeders with puppies in ontario. Also would you recommend buying an adult. I know a woman near me who has a 11 month old corgi, but i wanted a puppy originally.
At 12:49pm on July 23, 2010, EMILY T MARSCHOK said…
Hannah s the one on the left in the photo
At 6:44pm on July 15, 2010, Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) said…
Thanks so much. We're very excited to have Rafa.
At 12:22pm on July 15, 2010, Jackson♥ said…
Thanks, I got it to work!
At 5:41pm on July 14, 2010, Jackson♥ said…
how do you add a video?
At 12:41pm on July 14, 2010, Tris & Jeanne gave Sam Tsang a gift
At 3:38pm on July 8, 2010, Carol Rea said…
when you have time, I need to learn to use other than free gifts, I'm dummer than I thought, cannot figure it out! thanx
At 3:37pm on July 08, 2010, Carol Rea gave Sam Tsang a gift
Thanx, I know email was tiring for him. Also, thanx for this site, I have learned so much from all of you, and maybe even offered a little advice from all my years of being owned by a corgi!.
At 9:18pm on July 5, 2010, Ollie & Prie Misra said…
thank you so much for creating this site! it has been beyond helpful for me and my little guy!!
At 12:47pm on July 5, 2010, Jackson♥ said…
Well, i know how to do that, but like, an app, for the iphone. that would be cool!
At 12:12pm on July 5, 2010, Jackson♥ said…
I think that you should make a MyCorgi app for the iphone && itouch. That would be really cool, you know, to be able to check on this website on-the-go.
At 10:44am on July 4, 2010, Joanna, Rainy and Calvin said…
Hi Sam! Calvin is doing pretty well. He wants to be loved and to play with everyone he meets, but he is scared too. He does warm up to people pretty quickly though, so he has already made some new friends. He really is such a sweet boy - we are so glad to have him!
At 1:37pm on June 25, 2010, Lynne Cerny said…
Thanks so much for the info. I'm going to start with your yummy treat walking this weekend!
I appreciate the time you took to answer me back!

At 4:10pm on June 24, 2010, Lynne Cerny said…
Sam, thanks for your reply! I thought that 1 year was to young to bred her! I can't read your message after the "put her in her cage, provide her with yummy treats and away from the sound source". ...continue (but I can't)

We are willing to try anything to help her, so what ever advise you have I will try!
At 5:25pm on June 23, 2010, Lynne Cerny said…
I have more things that I left out. I don’t think that Sally has been people socialized at all. She lived in a barn kennel where we pick up her up from. The other Corgis were as friendly as our Bucher, so I don’t think her abuse happened there. When we first brought her home she ran from us if we had anything in our hand. She also did this pounce and spin thing a lot! If we leave the bathroom door open she moves the rugs out. When we took her to the vet for the first time, the vets comment was she was very un-Corgi like. She has improved with us majorly. Maybe I just need to give her more time. I just feel so bad that everything upsets her.
She doesn’t like to travel either! We have to put the kennel in the back seat so she doesn’t go under the seats. We have a place up north, a 3 ½ hour drive, and she likes it up there. There isn’t as many people as it is in the country. I think that from going up there a number of times, she acts better in the truck.
She has gotten brave as far as stealing Bucher’s bones! She doesn’t really like to chew, but if Bo leaves the moist bone alone she will grab it and take it to her kennel or in our bedroom. We were going to get her teeth cleaned but the vet had to bring her out from surgery quickly because of her blood pressure.
She was on Fromm from the breeder and that is what we have always feed Bo so the diet hasn’t changed. From us she has learned to like treats, I don’t think that she received many before.
When I got home from work tonight I feed the dogs and took her for a walk, but the neighbor was on a riding lawn mower and the wind has really picked up again, so she hasn’t gone poo all day today. I will try again in a little while.
Sorry for the long info, just trying to get you anything that would be helpful.
Thanks so much
At 3:37pm on June 23, 2010, Lynne Cerny said…
Sally was three April 3rd. She came from a breeder in WA and was purchased by a breeder in MI. Had her first litter of pups at around 1 year. 10 pups 1 died she had to have a cesarean and she tore her uterine wall. She lost 1 pup the beginning of December 2009 so they decided not to try to breed her anymore. They gave her to me and just told me she was a little timid. We drove over 8 hours one way to pick her up. She is a sweety!
She eats twice a day, she and Bucher eat apart, because I was told she is food aggressive, but they get along pretty good since she was in heat. Since she was fixewd I have been having issues with loose poo & I think it is because she is more scared of everything! We almost lost her with the surgery because of a reaction to the being put under. When I walk her if a garage door goes up or a loud car goes by or kids on skate boards are around she just wants to run home. I have tried giving a neighbor around the block treats that she likes, and that worked until the surgery. The night before the surgery I was walking her and a hot air balloon went over us! That really scared her! I just keep trying but I am a little frustrated with all the storms and the kids with fireworks!
At 1:17pm on June 23, 2010, Lynne Cerny said…
I saw your reply about walking your rescues. I rescued Sally the end of December and I am still having a hard time walking her! She is scared of everything. She just cowers and lays down when scared! She was doing better and then we had to get her spayed and now back to being very very timid again. Any suggestions? Mornings she acts most normal, by evening she just wants to hide! When I took her to the beach, if nobody was around, she had fun running around, as soon as anyone showed up she wanted to go home! Today it is very stormy and she hasn't gone poo yet! I feel so bad for her! Any ideas? Thanks Lynne
At 2:38pm on June 15, 2010, Andrea De Leo gave Sam Tsang a gift
Thank you for your help & contacting so many people about my auction to support CorgiAid . After everything I have been through with my corgi (Ricco) & DM, I just wanted to do something more.

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