Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )'s Comments

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At 2:09am on February 13, 2011, John Wolff said…

This sounds hard, but a dog does have to keep up its end of the social contract.   This is not normal.  For me, it would've ceased being funny after 2 days.   I think you should find not just an animal trainer but a really pro animal behaviorist with experience in dealing with this stuff, 'cause if he can't learn his boundaries, he's gonna have real problems living with people.

We have neighbors who might not be the most dog-savvy people in the world, and they ended up with a problem animal.  The end of a long and messy saga came when that dog escaped one last time... and they said, "Amen".  That could happen to RR if he's literally more trouble than he's worth and more trouble than fun.

Our dogs have a few issues that are totally frustrating, I've no clue at all, but fortunately they're minor things I can live with.  Patricia McConnell's book (Other End of the Leash) recounted some instances wherein she was able to help people who just did not comprehend the dynamic that was going on.  Maybe you can find somebody who can figure this one out.  Good luck!

At 8:18pm on February 12, 2011, John Wolff said…

Yes,  RickyRafa  will have to be cured of his hobby.  Sounds like you'll need a professional behaviorist.  And who knows?  Maybe there is an answer to this.  Maybe there's just one thing he needs to learn.

Somehow, Al & Gwynn know what is ours and what it theirs.  Gwynnie methodically shreds her toys, but they have done remarkably little damage.

I'm gonna give them each a roll of TP on April Fools' Day.

Do you ever give them those big beef bones?  Pet stores sell them.  When we give those out, we'll have a couple of very quiet nights with no sound other than the methodical gnawing.  Something very peaceful about a dog working a bone.

At 7:13pm on February 12, 2011, John Wolff said…

The RickyRafanator has some competition.  Maybe give him a roll of TP and paper towels so he can catch up?

At 5:59pm on February 1, 2011, Bethany said…
Thank you! I am so excited about getting Oliver...having trouble being patient.  It's funny you say that about your daughter...I always used to pretend my name was anything BUT Bethany : )
At 5:02pm on January 27, 2011, Dora & Rocky said…
Two corgis?! You're so lucky!
At 2:45pm on January 25, 2011, Daniele said…
Hope you're well! I'm still getting the hang of it here so forgive me if I'm slow in replying :) Little Boots and Morgan say hi :))
At 9:52pm on January 22, 2011, Priscilla Fernandez said…

Those are just play buddies, bentley her boyfriend ... hehe they lovvve eachother! and the other one (tan and white) is milo her half brother, from the same sire but a different mother. They met for a playdate not too long ago and hit it off. We will be getting number two this summer though, im really excited! Quixote loves having someone to play with so i think it will be great for her.

At 6:55pm on January 22, 2011, Priscilla Fernandez said…

thats funny that you say the name "rockstar corgi" because quixotes sire's full name is "Gilby what a rockstar" lol From poso creek corgis in bakersfield.

Quixote is also quite the character, she loves kids as well because shes very active and always wants to play. But she is also a jumper, so sometimes that scares little ones. That seems to be part of the corgi breed, they like to greet people by jumping up with two paws on you. How do your two dogs get along? Was lucy jealous at first to have a new sibling? We are planning to get corgi pup number two this coming summer or fall

At 2:55am on January 22, 2011, Priscilla Fernandez said…
Rafa looks so much like our baby girl quixote!!! Where is rafa from?
At 1:04am on January 22, 2011, Pat Grissett said…
We do love having two and the fact that they are litter mates makes the bond they have even stronger.  They are never more then 3 feet from each other and are so affectionate with one another.  They also entertain each other!  That is a plus for sure!
At 9:51pm on January 21, 2011, Wendt Worth Corgi's gave Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) a gift
At 10:26am on January 21, 2011, Marion Hebert said…
What a great idea the Riccardo's and Mertz's all back together again in one house.   I hope you will have as much fun as they did......let me know if you ever take that on...I don't know if I could live with a Lucy and Ethel dog pair if they hold true to their namesakes would be a million laughs.....I keep thinking about the time Lucy and Ethel were working on the chocolate candy conveyer  belt and got it going to they stuffed chocolates into their mouths because they couldn't get them in the boxes fast enough....can just see Corgis doing that with treats.....
At 1:58am on January 21, 2011, Douglas Preston said…



We live in West Hollywood but haven't heard of any corgi meetups. We'd like to!


Douglas and Petey

At 11:15pm on January 20, 2011, Dee Dee Rypka said…

I haven't figured out everything yet, but I do like looking at everyone's corgis. I joined because I am hoping to get some help with the new one I have. Since she's been shaved for years, her coat is awful, very rough, almost spikey. I have bathed her and have had her groomed, but it will just take some time for food and supplements to work. At least she's not licking herself raw now. She's got one hotspot on her left leg that she hasn't necessarily stopped working at. I've taken her to the vet and have some Benedryl spray that seems to help. It's better when I can stay home, but have to work so that's when she gets at it. She's also a hole digger! I haven't had a hole digger since Anny died. I expected a bit more trouble between the three dogs, but so far they are getting along very well.


I had to look up Rafa Nadal! Now I know!


At 9:59pm on January 20, 2011, Kyrk & Buster said…
thanks! Rafa is a cool name for a pup.
At 8:12pm on January 20, 2011, Pat Grissett said…
Well, Ricky or Rafa.. either one is cute..and he's a sport!  Hoping you and yours have a happy and healthy 2011.
At 7:09pm on January 20, 2011, Peggy Woods said…
Rafa (Ricky) is gonna be a lady-killer! Lucy has the sweetest face :)
At 7:05pm on January 20, 2011, Peggy Woods said…

my tri-boy's "full" name is Bugsy G Stubbs. I wanted him to have a "tough" name. He's always gotta have a piece of the action! & "daddy" is the piano player (& videographer)

I haven't had a corgi in the house in over 30 yrs & he was worth the wait!!

At 10:51pm on January 14, 2011, Dee Dee Rypka said…
Thank you! I've lived with six Pembrokes, Sely, who left me in 1992, then Anny and Jessie, also gone now; I miss them so much. Currently, I have Dexter, my tricolor male, the sweetest fellow, so much like Anny, who was a sable. Zoe is his half sister, a red and white, who has a black undercoat! On Thanksgiving, I rescued a sweet little corgi, who must have been a puppy mill dog. She've very small, but very sweet. That's why her name is Melly, short for the Welsh word meaning sweet. When I picked her up, she was smelly, dirty, covered with fleas, hadn't had any shots for about 3 years, and hadn't been out of the back yard for about that long. She had also been shaved all her life She will never be shaved again. I'm not used to the site, yet, but I seem to have posted a photo of the three of them on the main page.
At 8:22pm on January 13, 2011, paul,nancy groesser,FOX,TWINKIE said…
I want to thank you for the welcome note, I don't do these chat things much. But I love the corgis, so I'll try. Fox is about 25lb. We try to keep him on a good diet, but I can't resist the look he gives me, one or two chips won't hurt! I'll just run him around the yard a few more times! Thanks again.

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