Joanna, Rainy and Calvin's Comments

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At 6:06pm on August 3, 2010, Mendy Miller said…
Hi Joanna. Your new kids are cute! Petie and Elliott are having a great summer. It has been a hot one here. Petie is getting around very well right now, and is on the very lowest dose of prednisone. No return of the paralysis, no pain, and can jump up on the couch again. He will be 15 on Aug. 29th. Elliott is healthy and happy( and wild and crazy). I love the Cardi. Do you find him to be different in personality from the Pems?
At 12:54pm on August 3, 2010, Kristin & Archie said…
OH DEFINATLEY!! That would be so much fun. I'm so jealous of all of the playdates, and meetups I see listed everywhere else except for around here. It would be awesome to get everyone around here together, even if it's only once in a while.
At 11:29am on July 15, 2010, Jackson♥ said…
Thanks for the complement!
Very nice pictures!
At 4:47pm on July 6, 2010, Carol Rea said…
Joanna, I am so sorry that I may have mis-spoken, maybe Jane and I got the wrong idea (it's a good thing we don't live close to each other, as we could get into a lot of trouble!!) Anyway, IF he decides to make more during this next long winter, I think the CorgiAid idea is a good one. Take care, and tell him that I think the box is beautiful! Carol, Lucky and Sonny
At 5:34pm on July 4, 2010, Ace and Jen said…
Thanks ^_^
At 10:47am on July 4, 2010, Carol Rea said…
Joanna, I understand that your dad made that beautiful box for Jane and that there is some talk about him making more for a fundraiser for CorgiAid? I don't know much about fundraisers, but I think the box is beautiful!! I don't know how much people would be willing to pay or how much would have to be charged, how they would be advertised, etc, etc. Just a little something to think about!
At 11:34am on July 3, 2010, Sam Tsang said…
Hey Joanna, how's Calvin settling in? Remember to register the avid chip, keep your address updated and tag in a safe place. Thanks for giving him a forever home!
At 1:21pm on July 2, 2010, Jane Christensen said…
Can't say we didn't warn it still in one piece???
At 7:35pm on July 1, 2010, Carol Rea said…
A belated welcome to Joanna, Rainy and Calvin. Rescues are especialy special corgis! Carol, Lucky and Sonny
At 1:39pm on June 29, 2010, Jin & Culver gave Joanna, Rainy and Calvin a gift
At 9:31pm on June 27, 2010, Toby {Brenda} said…
Hi Joanna-- Had vacation this last week and was home sick with a nasty sinus infection and bronchtis- and spent alot of one on one time with Toby-- finally started to feel somewhat better yesterday, so Toby and I got took a drive up to visit my mother who has been very ill for quite awhile now, well she always calls and asks me to bring Toby up for a visit, she just adored Riley as well, well point is the excitement in her eyes when she see's these dogs- just brings a smile to me.. Very good therapy for the senior citizens.. These little dogs are such a joy to have in our lives...
At 4:07pm on June 24, 2010, NJohnson said…
Thanks for the warm welcome. :)
At 1:32pm on June 21, 2010, Toby {Brenda} said…
Hi Thank you for your sweet kind words,sounds like we both lost a very special corgi in our lives and we both found a new corgi to love.. It has been bery difficult with the loss of our Riley, but it has also given us the joy to love another little corgi boy.Toby is adjusting well,he has come along way in the short time we have had him He came from a very abused situation and he now is feeling the love he deserves and he has brought joy to our home again.. We still have some potty issues {but doing better}- and he is terrified of storms and fireworks , but otherwise doing great.. Good luck with your new baby too...
At 2:28am on June 2, 2010, Mendy Miller said…
I'm happy to see you have a new Corgi. You are a corgi lover and Rainy looks like a wonderful and lucky outlet for all your enthusiasm. She looks like she's making herself at home. Keep taking pictures.

At 10:53am on May 30, 2010, Quincy ^,,^ & Michelle : ) said…
Thanks for the birthday wishes! It was a great day with lots of treats!! ^,,^
At 3:11pm on May 10, 2010, Karen Matuszewski said…
Thanks Joanna and Rainy for the nice comments of Mr. Remy's photos. As you guessed, he IS the captain of the ship (however my husband is more than willing to wear the ascot and hold the martini)!

Sorry to hear that Algy is no longer with us. Remy has just started to exhibit signs of degenerative myelopathy. He is 12 going on 13 this coming July and it's hard to see him start to drag his back leg. These little guys become such a part of the family that you hate to see these type of things start to happen to them. Glad to see that Algy sent Rainy to take care of you!
At 11:51pm on May 9, 2010, Jane Christensen said…
Love the newest Rainy picture! She's a busy gal! Looks like she's enjoying both her new homes!
At 12:41pm on May 8, 2010, Michelle Anderson said…
Thanks! He is a doll! My main page picture, is Riley my first Cardi, he passed in 05. My Pembroke, Sam passed a year ago. Sam was more "puppy" like, Riley was more like a little man. Opposites, but full of love and energy, thankful to have the spirit back in my house! I look forward to hearing about you and your Cardi!
At 2:43am on April 28, 2010, Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug gave Joanna, Rainy and Calvin a gift
Gromit says "Welcome, Rainy!"
At 12:09pm on April 21, 2010, Nicola Porter gave Joanna, Rainy and Calvin a gift
OMG, how exciting.

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