George V's Comments

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At 10:30am on May 17, 2008, Elys said…
Sorry to hear about your loss. I hope that you find another corgi soon. We were looking for an adult corgi and on a whim, I suggested putting an ad on That's how we found Camber.
At 9:19am on May 13, 2008, Rayanne said…
How awful. I know it is painful to lose her so young. I found both my pups on You can do a location search to find breeders close to you. Petfinder can locate rescues for you, or the Pembroke Welsh Cori Society.
At 8:10am on May 13, 2008, Chester said…
So sorry to hear about your Emmy. I do hope you find another special Corgi.
At 10:10pm on May 12, 2008, mikonami said…
I'm sorry about your loss. I know how it feels... =(

I don't know any breeders, but have you looked at Corgi rescue? Just search for it and they usually have some that need homes.
At 5:54pm on May 10, 2008, Ada said…
I'm so sorry to hear about Emmy. It's a good thing you have a lot of pictures to remember her.
At 7:22am on May 9, 2008, Wynne Phillips said…
Oh, I am so sorry about Emmy.
At 9:05am on May 7, 2008, Arang&Mark said…
Hi George,

That is absolutely terrible. We got Scout from a breeder in Kansas City. I didnt realize this at the time, but we actually got really lucky because I found our breeder's ad online. He is just a small time breeder that breeds his dogs...once a year? Not entirely sure. His dogs are all breed on a farm with three rambunctious boys so when we got scout, he will basically follow children around and try to play with them. he as reds to tris and is very affable. so far, scout does not have any health problems and is a healthy happy 5 month old. If you are still looking, I can refer him to you. I dont know when he is breeding his corgis again but if you would like his email and phone number comment back and I will message his information to you.
At 8:13pm on May 6, 2008, Kriste said…
Sorry to hear about your Corgi.
At 10:22am on May 6, 2008, Kristy Varga said…
I am so sorry to hear about Emmy. We lost my 12 yr old Dalmation, Hailey, a few months ago to Liver failure. We weren't going to get another dog but fell in love with a Corgi cross rescue and then found our Corgi puppy. It took us time to find them but it was worth it. Good luck finding your new Corgi..
At 11:43am on May 5, 2008, sylvia white said…
it tooks us 3 years to get another corgi after the death of our billy boy.
cimba can not replace billy, but that dog is in my heart forever.
so, we understand your feelings and hope that you'll find a new corgi very soon.
At 11:22am on May 5, 2008, Bear & Frisco said…
Oh, I'm so sorry, I just read of your loss. We almost lost Frisco a month ago to poisoning. Something he picked up while walking. My heart goes out to you. They are the best of friends.
At 11:20am on May 5, 2008, Bear & Frisco said…
George, Emmy and Frisco could be siblings. What a cutey. Jane
At 12:05am on May 5, 2008, amy said…
so sorry to hear about your loss, I understand how you feel as I have loss two great love in the past.No doubt the loved one had left us but their love always remind in our heart. Corgi are really a great dog to have and I am sure you will find your new lovely puppy soon.
At 2:02pm on May 4, 2008, Megan and Penelope said…
Sorry about your loss, so young...but, I know most ppl get another furry love to enjoy...thanks for the add also.
At 9:38am on May 4, 2008, Heather said…
Very sorry to hear about your loss. Hopefully a new friend will come to you soon! In the meantime, Mac wishes you were closer so he could give you lots of kisses and snuggles to make up for Emmy's absence.
At 9:23am on May 4, 2008, Kirsten Anne Killen said…
we lost our misty in 2003 and my parents swore up and down that they would never have another pet but since all three grandsons having been asking my parents when they will get another misty well they figure the time has come to start looking once again. misty died in 2003 of old age and she was a tri colour fluffy and spoiled absolutely rotten with love. i've been trying to locate another pembroke welsh corgi breeder in the maritimes but so far no luck. soo i wish you luck n your search for a new fuzzy friend
At 5:18pm on April 30, 2008, Alicia Byrd said…
So sorry for your loss. I'm sure you will find the perfect new baby that you are looking for. Thank you for the warm welcome and the add!!
At 12:49pm on April 30, 2008, Pamela said…
thanks so much for adding me to your friends list. I am so new too this. My daughter sent me the MyCorgi and wow i had to join and share my girls. So sorry on your beautiful Emmy. My heart goes out to you and your family. These little dogs are such a great gift in our lifes. I know how hard it is to find corgi's as it took me a year in half to find my annie. There was an add in our paper finally and I made a mad dash out in a blizzard, -30 wind chill and you couldnt see 5 feet in front of the car. the girls fill up my days and I thank heaven everyday for them. Keep looking there is one out there to be loved by you and your family
At 6:32pm on April 25, 2008, Nancy Liu said…
Hi George,
Thanks for accepting me and my dog Radar into your corgi group. I just joined this site today and I will work on getting some pictures of Radar on it soon - right now he is sound asleep on his back after a full afternoon of soccer! Radar looks just like your dog - same color and markings but much bigger ears!
At 3:58pm on April 25, 2008, Robert Mink said…
Thanks, Glad to be aboard

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