Viola & Mia's Comments

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At 7:02pm on July 20, 2010, justine moeller said…
Oh sorry I read that really quick..I see you did find a place :)

Ok we are off to the dog park... Cant wait to see Mia again.... and dont stress to much... these classes will help a ton with making her comfortable :)
At 6:58pm on July 20, 2010, justine moeller said…
Hi, I find that very weird that the vet would tell you that. Mickey, who would never ever bite, snaps at the vet as well..shots are not painless... Walter screamed like we had broken his leg when he got his shots...we had to giggle a bit.
Aggresive is a strong word for a puppy and in general for a dog...dominance and fear is probably a better choice. So I wouldn't be too worried about the aggressiveness. Socializing a dog lasts a lifetime... since she is so young you will start to find things she is scared or nervous about. Never put her down because of it.. you should acknowledge her fear and so Ok thank you and stand tall so she knows you are there to protect her.
Puppy classes will be fun though! Good Luck finding a good place :)
At 6:10pm on July 20, 2010, justine moeller said…
Also, if you are having trouble with Mia talking alot, dont stress right now...we can also show you how we got Walter to stop barking and whining at night. Outside is a different story...although our walks have been great lately! Corgis are very vocal dogs so dont expect her to be silent however..haha

When she is nervous of family members, how do they approach her. It may be intimidating and quick and sometimes dogs just sense something they dont like...including nervousness.
At 6:04pm on July 20, 2010, justine moeller said…
Hi Viola, no I dont know a good dog training school but I am sure you can find one. Are you thinking of going. Perhaps ask Judy, I think she tried one with Taffy..not sure how it went though. Its great for socialization though regardless! Ok lets plan a doggy date soon... :) When does Mia get her final shots, etc... Talk to you soon. Also, Sabrina (another member on mycorgi) wants to meet Mia..she has a corgi named we should plan something soon.
At 3:48pm on July 19, 2010, Dan and Jen said…
This is Jen actually. Dan's wife. Forgot to mention that on the last post. :) Our little one is doing quite well. She is also a little monster!! Full of energy. She herds the cat...which is the funniest thing we've ever seen. She's being a good girl...most of the time. She's still having accidents on the floor, but hasn't had one in her crate...recently. haha. Crossing out fingers that habit has been broken as she's peed in it about 4-5 times. But, we just can't get angry at that little face!! And Zoe is quite vocal too....she whines, and barks and just plain enjoys making noise. Especially at the cat!
At 9:48am on July 19, 2010, Dan and Jen said…
Hi Viola!! I just put up a few photos of Zoe. :) Check it out!
At 6:03am on July 16, 2010, justine moeller said…
Hello! Walter has one ear standing, not two floppy ones..haha.... he is so funny looking. We have been having great walks the last few days! Maine was really fun! Astrids new home is amazing. I really miss her though. I think about her about 100 times a day. I hope she is settling in. I spoke to the woman on Monday and then my phone died so I got a new one so will call again today. I think she will be fine, its a wonderful property and her new mommy is great! Speaks French to her and everything :)
At 12:33am on July 16, 2010, Dan and Jen said…
Hey! Sorry about the delay. I had shoulder surgery last week and have been moving slow and Zoe has just been a handful keeping me alert and busy with one arm haha. Things are getting easier though. I'll try to upload some photos tomorrow during her afternoon nap. Hope all is well with Mia! (Zoe's ears are up too!)
At 11:50pm on July 15, 2010, Daniel M said…
Oh, i wont be driving to quebec. Lynda offered to do delivery to mississauga. The only thing i dont feel too sure about is the point which you pointed out. If she had a waiting list of 8 why are there still 2 left, and they are already 9 weeks. Is it that corgis are less common?
At 11:18pm on July 15, 2010, Daniel M said…
Did you get your puppy from Lynda? were you glad with her and the puppies if you did?
At 7:30pm on July 15, 2010, justine moeller said…
Yeah for popped ears! Haha poor Walter...hehe
At 1:26pm on July 4, 2010, Judy & Taffy said…
Mia is absolutely adorable! Can't wait to meet her!!
At 12:34pm on July 3, 2010, justine moeller said…
PS: Hows the pup?
At 12:34pm on July 3, 2010, justine moeller said…
Havent been able to reach her :( WE are going to go to a dog park close by our place and then can message you. Do you use facebook at all? :)
At 12:30pm on July 2, 2010, justine moeller said…
I am going to message my friend who has a backyard fenced in at her office in westmount AND has a corgi :)
At 1:11am on July 2, 2010, justine moeller said…
Hey there :) We will be able to drive where ever so if you want to pick a spot you are comfortable with we can come. We will tire our boys out first so they will be calm"ish" haha. Hope you had a great day with your little pup! Take lots of pictures!
At 7:17pm on July 1, 2010, Carol Rea said…
Welcome Viola and Mia! Tris are the best, she sure is cute, so is her sister Zoe, cannot believe you found her on this site. Carol, Lucky and Sonny
At 1:09pm on July 1, 2010, Dan and Jen said…
Zoe will be going for obedience lessons as soon as she is old enough. When she grows a little we are going to get an electric fence too. That way she can run around and burn off some energy outside. Haven't tried walking her yet. We'll probably keep letting her grow a little before that. Also started her on a meal schedule to see if that helps with the training (and she should be on one anyway). All in all, we are thrilled to have her. I'm glad we found a sibling. I love this website! I just stumbled across it with questions on Zoe and figured I would join. Never imagined we'd find other members of her family. The internet is a great thing haha.

Hoping to have more pictures up soon (and thanks for the picture of "sweetheart", that is our little girl)! Hope all goes well with Mia!
At 1:09pm on July 1, 2010, Dan and Jen said…
Zoe is a bundle of joy. Based on your Mia... I would say they are definitely sisters haha. She likes to run and pounce on everything. Every time we see her she jumps up on us and tries to get as far up our legs as possible. It's so cute. I will say she has the loudest set of puppy lungs I've ever heard in my life. I took a video of her in her crate the first day on my phone and she was howling up a storm. I then sent it to my brother who has a 110 lb golden retriever. He heard the whining and got all excited because he thought another dog was in the house. It sounded hilarious. They are actually meeting this weekend! That should be a lot of fun.

Zoe does bite the fingers and the toes a lot. I basically just try to give her another toy, but she get bored so easily. That's ok though. At 8 weeks, you can't expect much haha. She's our first corgi ever and our first pup that we are raising together. She has actually let us sleep the last two nights. We are having the same problem as you though. We gated off the kitchen and let her roam around in there, but she just pees during the night. So we are going to start crating as well. We started today while we are at work and see how she does. We expect and accident, but it's nothing a washer/dryer can't get out for her haha. She loves electric cords and chasing our cat. That is becoming her favorite past time. However, just yesterday our cat is becoming braver and started pawing Zoe's nose. It was soooo cute.
At 10:48am on July 1, 2010, Dan and Jen said…
Hey Viola!!! Luna is actually our kitten lol. Zoe would be Mia's sister haha. They definitely look like sisters and I definitely see that in the pictures you have online. In fact, I remember that same couch and yard haha. Just goes to show you how good this website is!

We heard someone was coming in from Canada to pick up one of the pups. How was the ride with her and how is she doing in her new home?

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