Just saw a few photos of Willow, another little beauty. How many months apart are your corgis? Who was the CA breeder? Was Walker from the same breeder?
Walker is a beauty. I love the photos that you've posted. Makes me miss the snow.
At 5:56pm on November 28, 2010, GALE FARRELL said…
sounds like you have a wonderful family 2 and 4 footed. I commend you on your work with mr adults my son had a head injury as an infant and is handicapped even as an adult. he now works with mr adults in colorado, with the help from people like yourself he has grown into a remarkable man.An inspiration to all. He is on the USParalympic cycling Team.He raced in china and hopefully will be going to London in 2012. So thank-you for all the people you have helped,you do make a difference in their lives. And you have beautiful pems. best to you thanks.
Willow is a beauty. She's looking beautifully turned out at 5 months. Our little rescue Rafa is listed at 16 weeks, but our vet said there is no way that he is that old. He thinks, based on Rafa's teeth that he's more like 12 weeks. We got him a week ago and he weighed only 7 lbs.
Lucy's parents are Marker and Meg. My guess is that she's full sister to the mother of your puppy (probably from Patty's litter?) Lucy was the one mis-mark. She has a triangle of white on the back of her left ear, but we love her even more for it!
My Lucy (Rocky L female) is such a sweetie pie. She loves barking at dogs when they walk by the house, but she's pretty quiet otherwise. She LOVES playing ball! How are you liking Willow?
OMG...mirror images. Too cool. So I'm a member & will post photos of Lucy and pretend that she is still a puppy. Love the photos of W&W. Are they getting along famously yet? I would love another Corgi, but worry how Lucy (now 4) would respond.
what the heck. lucy's no longer a puppy, but we will happily join your group. it will give me an opportunity to post more puppy pix of her and pretend that she's not getting older!
Walker's a little beauty and so are his friends. Thanks for inviting us to join your group. Unfortunately we're not eligible because Lucy is overage and we probably won't get a puppy in the near future : (
I would start out with one teaspoon of each for a few daYs till he gets used to it then bump up a full table spoon. I feed Walker once a day(he won't eat twice a day) so when I was giving it to him I was feeding 2 tablespoons per feeding of each. If you don't se progress in the next few weeks I would recomend taping. But the calcium suplmented via yogart and cottagecheese should help ;)
Hi! I think of those four I'd try Solid Gold and Innova first. Probably Innova initially. If he eats eagerly, stick with it. Anything is going to put weight on him if he eats it well! All are good foods, though, so just see how he does. And you can mix and match them if you'd like, or add canned food to the dry as long as the canned is the same quality.
Melissa S.'s Comments
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We got them from our local petstore in HK.
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