Jane Christensen's Comments

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At 10:18pm on November 25, 2009, Lisa Brady said…
Thanks for welcoming Frankie and me... I simply had NO idea how many Corgi lovers there are out there.
I enjoyed your site very much. I don't have a site for my corgi yet, just a business site. But you can see my Corgi Angel on this page:
At 12:55pm on November 19, 2009, Judi, Dawn, Soffie & Griffyn said…
You're right about that!! I can look right out my office door and see all the fresh cuts in our walk in display cooler!
At 12:06am on November 19, 2009, Ellen Mai said…
Hi! Thank you for the comment. Your photos are adorable.
At 12:24pm on November 18, 2009, Judi, Dawn, Soffie & Griffyn said…
I'm the bookkeeper here, but it is a beautiful place to work all year round, and especially at Christmas time!
At 12:58pm on November 17, 2009, Katie said…
Hi, thanks for the info. I have looked on their website. Your dogs are great, loved the pictures!! wish I could buy one of your puppies whenever you had a litter, just don't know how to get it here. If you go through my pictures Scooter the tan one is the one we had to put to sleep last month. she was my heart, and miss her terribly, but have my Eddie and he is my baby boy!!
At 3:18pm on November 16, 2009, Nancy Geddes said…
Dear Jane: I love the pictures of your furkids. You have done a fabulous job in your breeding standards and I am certain that your corgis are as sweet as lovely. Regarding the Christmas citrus on the tree; I slice my fruit about 1/4 inch, lay them on a rack to dry for about 24 hours (or they will dribble) and finally pierce them with an ornament hook to hang on the tree. Not only is the fragrance divine but when I add the lights, the citrus almost looks like stained glass. I will also tie bunches of cinnamon sticks with plaid ribbon and hang them as well. Even though my daughter Kate is now 23, we still do our tree in the same tradition with our Aaron Neville Soulful Christmas album on the stereo. The only year I could not get the strength was during my breast cancer battle which, thanks be to God, I have won thus far.... All the best, Nan
At 1:06pm on November 15, 2009, Edward and Gemima said…
Thanks for joining my little group! Glad to have you on board. should be fun!!
At 11:18am on November 14, 2009, Deanna said…
Hi, Jane -- just got my computer "fixed," couldn't navigate this site for a while, except from the "Main" page, had to load a different browser. Now everything's running great -- so far! I'm sorry to find out about your newbies -- but there's always next weekend -- right?
At 11:42am on November 11, 2009, Liwa and Fergie said…
Thanks Jane! This is such a great website, I am so glad I found it!
At 11:59am on November 9, 2009, Jessica Lea & Sydney said…
I can't wait, either! She will be here sometime around December 1st, just trying to figure out the safest, most comfortable and affordable way to get her here. Otherwise I am just trying to prepare with supplies and get as much information about training her right from the beginning as I can.

Your little gang is so adorable! I love the family pictures. And your garden looks amazing. How long have you had corgis?
At 11:31am on November 8, 2009, Buddy & Wynstan said…
20 :(. Just buying a bunch of supplies still. I found a 36 inch in diameter dog bed still in the package at a thrift store, and a lot of toys. I am just grateful that the days are going by faster, I have requested more work to pass the time.
At 3:08pm on November 7, 2009, robert bender said…
thank you we had only began the treadmill with patch a few days ago and he picked it up super fast we just use so treats to get him to step onto the treadmill and start out kinda slow the go up to a nice walking speed and hold his leash in front of him and the traedmill works great =)
At 6:37pm on November 6, 2009, Bella & Hayes said…
I tell you, I am so glad to have found this site. Corgis make amazing farm dogs! Thanks for the welcome. It seems our Bellas have plenty in common. :)
At 9:43am on November 6, 2009, Samantha said…
thanks for the welcome! She hasn't arrived yet, but we are thinking Maera for the name. :)
At 9:55pm on November 3, 2009, Sadie May said…
It is a lot of fun and we all get lots of exercise. We've even done it when it is in the 30's and that is cold for us in Virginia!!!
At 7:46pm on November 3, 2009, Sadie May said…
and our therapy dog group gets together and we walk the parks in our area. We do 2-4 miles weather permitting. It is so much fun - sometimes we take the leashes off and the doggies love it. After that we like to go for coffee, Starbucks or whatever. It's great comraderie.

Monica and Sadie
At 9:22pm on November 2, 2009, Sadie May said…
Hi Jane,
Your location seems ideal to raise a lot of corgis. I can just picture all of them running around with the other animals. They are such happy dogs - most of the time at least. We have a semi-big yard and Sadie loves it. But she loves it even more when I take her for walks. Monica
At 10:52pm on October 29, 2009, Sadie May said…
Hi Jane,
I was just reading your profile and where is Comfrey? I love meeting people with corgis, because all the ones I've met so far are obsessed with them. Sadie is my 4th Corgi, but my first Pembroke. I used to have Cardigans and thought I could never love a Pembroke, but Sadie proved me wrong. She is so alert and attentive and always wants to be involved in whatever we are doing. Since our daughter is in college she is now the center of attention and resents when her human sister comes home, though after a while she snuggles up with her. I would be in heaven if I had 5 corgis but I would definitely need to be home full-time. How do you divide your attention amongst all of them?
At 6:07pm on October 29, 2009, Sadie May said…
Hi Jane,
thanks for the welcome comment. I'm new at this social networking thing and I am still trying to navigate through it all!!! Talk to you later,

Monica and Sadie
At 11:37pm on October 26, 2009, Buddy & Wynstan said…
Oh, I am so excited, I am even taking a day off work just to pick him up. It is sad seeing the food bowls, the monogrammed blanket, and the empty kennel. This is actually going to the first puppy I have had on my own. I am ecstatic

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