Jane Christensen's Comments

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At 12:29pm on October 23, 2009, Edward and Gemima said…
Thanks for the little witch gift Jane!!!!!
At 8:19pm on October 19, 2009, Tammey & Caven said…
Thanks for being our friend!
At 11:40pm on October 18, 2009, Tammey & Caven said…
Thank you. He is just a ham.
At 2:06pm on October 16, 2009, Sky and Lyla said…
It took me a while to work up the courage too! Sky choked on a piece of rawhide last week, so I'm not particularly fond of that right now, and they needed something to chew! I finally decided to do it after the reading the raw bones discussion up on here this week. I took John's suggestion and got the beef leg bones (I think they're also called marrow bones) from the butcher and had him cut them in half. The butcher also said that they are pretty safe and won't splinter like many other bones. I still watch them closely, of course, but I feel pretty safe and they just love it.
At 1:21pm on October 10, 2009, Marika Tarver said…
Hi Jane, how are you today? We are doing ok. I think Sassy is improving. It is slow, but she is trying to use her rear end more, when she turns around in the pen. This morning she stood on her hind legs and was leaning against the pen panel with her front legs. She is always doing the running motion, but of course her hind legs are in the air, cause I am lifting her up when we go outside. My back is very sore, because she starts running and I am trying to keep up with her. It has only been 2 weeks and 2 days. Sassy is back on Prednisone 1/2 every day for a week and then 1/2 every other day. We are taking her to the chiropractor tomorrow on Sunday, and see what she has to say about Sassy's improvement. She is barking again now when she sees me and hops around, which scares me. She gets so excited!! I have her next to me quite a bit, just to let her know we still love her so much. She gets her massages :-). I give her lots to drink, to flush out the prednisone, so I have to take her outside about 6-7 times to pee.
I think I saw on Mycorgi somebody had posted a message, that he made a cart-wheelchair with parts he bought at Home Depot for $ 20.-. It looked really nice!! I thought I had saved the message, but NOT. Would you happen to know who that was, if so would you please let me know? It is so nice to know that somebody is thinking of us, danke Jane.
Have a wonderful weekend with your family and I will keep you updated :-)
Kind regards
Marika and Sassy
At 11:18am on October 5, 2009, WhiteDove said…
Thank you for your kind words on Missing my Jacqueline. They are very comforting.
At 11:58pm on October 3, 2009, Elaine said…
Puck loves anything that squeaks but I also find that balls are the only thing he can't tear apart! And I only got a folder with his picture in it... His litter sold so fast that she never posted pictures on the site. It would be awesome if I could get some mom and dad pictures. Of course I forgot to charge my camera that day so I didn't get any pictures. :( my email is elaineyj119@gmail.com Thank you so much!
At 11:32pm on October 3, 2009, Elaine said…
Well if they have the same mom and dad then they are siblings. :) When I picked Puck up, he was the last one to go. I didn't get to see any of his brothers and sisters from his litter. I'm not sure how I'm going to keep him entertained once we get snow so the walks won't be as along. But I've been looking at Chuck its. How old was Livvy when you started using it with her?
At 11:04pm on October 3, 2009, Elaine said…
She sounds so much like Puck. I feel like Puck is too smart for his own good. Like you said, learns quickly but can be such a stinker. He is also fast much faster than my other corgi and my mom's corgi. I'm hopping he'll start agility when he gets old enough. His eye contact is great. Any time I say his name, the look on his face is, "Yes, momma?" His eyes are always intent on something or someone.
At 10:06pm on October 3, 2009, Elaine said…
Yes he is. :) What's her personality like? Puck is very independent from both my husband and I but he has his moments of affection. Who are Livvy's parents? Puck's mom is D.H. Sassafras's Darlin and dad is D.H. Diamonds Zorro.
At 9:21pm on October 2, 2009, Leasa said…
Thanks Jane. She is doing much better but still not getting her to eat very good. I have tried our chicken gravy over food and 4 or 5 exotic canned foods also but she still picking. :(
At 9:51am on October 2, 2009, Marika Tarver said…
Good morning Jane,
I wrote you last night, when I went to mycorgi. website, but it said: I made a boo boo? I don't have a clue why this always happens to me, I wish I would find out what I am doing wrong.
Sassy is doing better. She is trying to move a little with her hind knees, instead of letting them just dangle when she is pulling herself around. She escapes when I fix up her pen sometimes. I let her watch TV with me on the carpet (and give her massages regularely) cause she is so used to being on the couch :-(. I take her outside to do her business, her little fat front legs are moving fast and I have a hard time keeping up. :-) The vet said to keep her in the kennel and see. That's all the vet said. I was a little disappointed. When she pees she pushes her leg under her belly and when she is done she puts it down. Just like she used to do. :-) So I am not giving up, may be she will totally recover?. So far she still cannot stand up on her legs at all, she flops? to the side. I am taking her to a chiropracter next week, hope that is the right thing to do.
Ok Jane you have a wonderful day today and of course a great weekend.
At 8:01pm on September 28, 2009, Edward and Gemima said…
Hey Jane how are the new baby goats doing??? How are the Corgi's liking the cool air. Can't keep Ed and Gem in even though the wind is what 45mph???
At 3:53pm on September 28, 2009, Sky and Lyla said…
I see you have an Aussie with your Corgis too! I think they are a great combination together. I have one of each. As much as I love my Corgi, I have to admit, Aussies are my favorite (Corgis are definitely #2 though). I would like to one day get a show-quality Aussie and show in conformation and hopefully breed.
At 12:23am on September 28, 2009, Simon & Anne said…
Thank You! Corgis are the most photogenic animals! Yours are beautiful!
At 11:41am on September 27, 2009, Deb , Gretzky, and Norman said…
My Son-in-Law is a hockey fan and played hockey himself so, yes, Gretzky is named after the famous player. He is the one that picked Gretzky from the litter in 2002. By the way, I enjoyed your photos from the Renaissance Festival. Also, if you're ever near La Crescent again please let me know. I'd love to meet you and any of your dogs.
At 11:45pm on September 25, 2009, John Wolff said…
"...nothing like the woods up north>"
That is true. The mountain and beach terrain out here has its spectacularity, but the subtle beauty of the midwestern deciduous forest is lacking. The bird life, for instance, does not hold a candle. And the Puget Sound Basin is tragically overcrowded (I've listed my address as 'Los Angeles del Norte' for years, and everybody knows what it means).
Like Garrison Keillor says, I'm waiting for my return visa to Minnesota...
At 12:17pm on September 25, 2009, John Wolff said…
Corn fields and flat land? Sounds like heaven, plus 10%...

flatland dreaming

I'm from Duluth.
At 3:54pm on September 24, 2009, Lisa and Mousse said…
At 3:03pm on September 24, 2009, Dessiree Barnes said…
Thank you for the welcome! :]

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