FuzzyButt's Comments

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At 12:40pm on June 17, 2008, Butter said…
Sorry for the long letter. I just wanted to encourage you. I checked out your deviant art website and you are talented!!!! Once you get your puppy, you'll have to do some drawings of him. I got my 1st camera at Xmas and have been reading a photo website and trying to learn and have been practicing taking pictures of Buster....it gives me something else to do that doesn't require a lot of movement, energy. I just sit at a keyboard. You'll find the dog will open up your life in so many ways. Also, when you take him out....having a dog (especially a cute, adorable puppy) means so many people and kids will want to come up to you and ask about him and want to pet him. Dog lovers are really great people (and we are included in that group, aye?) Joy
At 12:36pm on June 17, 2008, Butter said…
That is exactly how I felt before I got Buster; that I had no purpose. Now when I wake up I know that there is a little someone just waiting for me to wake up. In fact, when I sleep in, he comes in and checks on me and sometimes sleeps on the floor beside the bed.

As soon as I get up, he brings me a toy and wants to play. I hate to cook but now don't mind because he is my little assistant and does "the wave" while I chop vegetables and I give him some. He also is SO appreciative of the meals I make for him. Now, I hate to go to bed because I love to just watch him sleeping in his crate.

When are you getting your puppy? You'll notice a huge difference in how you feel about life. We got a 9 year old who was already trained in every way so we didn't have to go through any training with him.

Somedays I don't have much strength and find it hard to walk him but on those days we play with toys in the house more.

I am blessed to have a wonderful husband who loves Buster as much as I do. He takes Buster to the ocean everynight and walks with him for 1/2 an hour. I am not well enough to go.

My husband and I talk about the fact that he loves us both but in different ways. We both have different ways that we interact with him. So, in the end I don't feel bad that I can't do everything with him that my husband can because I can do other things with him that Buster loves just as much.

Hang in there...things will get better. People used to say that to me and I never believed them but now I know what they say. I find when you are dealing with an illness or disability, no matter what kind it is, that distraction is a wonderful coping mechanism for any type of pain.

I am a Christian and am relying on God to ultimately heal me, if and when he chooses to. However, I believe he puts people and yes animals in our paths to help support and love us.

Getting Buster was a direct answer to my prayer. I am dealing with many diseases, etc. I was told by my specialist that getting a dog could make me worse or better. There would be no way of knowing without having a dog in the house for a few weeks to see how I made out. There was a huge chance that I may react to one or be allergic. For 2 years I thought about it, checked out breeders, etc. Anytime I even hinted that I may be allergic they said they would never sell me a dog.

One morning I was so down and I prayed. "God, please show me if there is any way that I could ever have a dog".
That afternoon, my husband said "there must be more breeders around here" and grabbed the phone book and it fell open to a page advertisting a boarding kennel. He said "would they sell dogs?" He phoned and yes, they sold Cardigan puppies and had one left. I talked to the breeder quite a while and then she asked me if I would consider adopting an older dog...OK, this is getting long....I finally told her about my illness and she said that she would give me a 7-day trial period to see if I was able to have a dog in the house. Now that is a direct answer to prayer. No other breeders would even look at me. So, after being interviewed a few times and doing fine during the 7 day period, we got Buster.

The breeder doesn't believe in God (as far as I know) but she firmly believed that I was meant to have Buster and that he would help me get well. I do have more energy and I am thankful for that. I will take any bit of healing, either spiritual, emotional or physical that I am offered.

With a grateful heart for God always being in control of my life and giving me what I need when I need it, Joy :)
At 11:34am on June 17, 2008, Butter said…
Thanks for saying that. I'm a new "mommy" so it is nice to have some positive reinforcement! Guess what, I'm disabled too and am hoping that my Corgi can help heal me. He has already helped the isolation from not being able to work and being by myself all day. I find he helps a lot because he takes my mind off myself and my illness and onto something positive like his adorable self. Your puppy looks adorable.
At 11:04am on June 17, 2008, Rhiannon said…
I didn't. I got her from a small town breeder in Alabama.
At 6:28pm on June 13, 2008, Wynne Phillips said…
Welcome! Hang in there-I do believe that animals add incredible value to our lives, and corgis are particularly smart and intuitive. Maybe you little guy can be taught to do tasks that make your life easier-they love to have jobs!
At 3:30pm on June 12, 2008, Kristen said…
I just re-read your profile and I believe as you do in the healing power of animals. I have a plaque in my kitchen that reads "Time spent with animals is added to your life...Have fun picking up the baby!
At 2:46pm on June 12, 2008, Charlie said…
Charlie is actually a girl :) but thanks for the comments!!
At 11:57pm on June 7, 2008, James said…
3 Celeste Corgis on Mycorgi now, what are the odds. I recognize the red background. They look so silly that young, I remember looking at Cheez-it and I couldnt decide because I wasnt even sure if he was a Corgi. lol!
At 3:50pm on June 5, 2008, Joshua said…
Oops, I see you left me a comment and it is indeed a Celsetial Star puppy! Bexar is a great dog - very smart and healthy. Too bad about your accident, I have Bexar for a similar reason - I was involved in a bad crash and purchased Bexar (and will raise him for several years) with my settlement money. I hope you continue to recover well. Almost 2 years out and I'm doing pretty well (still suffer debilitating neck pain from time to time and will for the rest of my life, but it was my brother that took the brunt of the injuries).
At 3:42pm on June 5, 2008, Joshua said…
That looks like Celeste holding him/her, am I right? Welcome! You'll have a great companion!
At 10:34pm on June 3, 2008, Sam Tsang said…
Welcome Jen, Banzai and family! There's a corgi meetup group near tampa :)

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