Molly came home with us today! It has been a day full of firsts for her, she went on her first long car ride, went to the pet store, got her first collar, started walking on her leash, and played with her first toy. I'm so excited to have her home finally, she and Savannah are getting along amazingly! When we first introduced them we had both outside and away from any of Savannah's potty spots and the two hit it off. Savannah is a grumpy old dog, but for the first time in ages, we got to see Savannah actually play with another dog without getting too grumpy.

When we got into the apartment, things continued to be great. We let Molly explore all of the rooms and get to know where she can and can't go. We've only had one accident in the house and I'm possibly too excited to report that Molly has pooed and peed outside twice since coming home!

I can't wait to get to know her better :)

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Comment by Tomi and Story on November 15, 2012 at 9:58pm

Congratulations!  Don't worry, we will listen to your pee and poopy stories!  LOL!   Enjoy her, and post pictures!  ^..^

Comment by Ciara & Macy on November 15, 2012 at 4:48pm

Congrats! She is a cutie! I also love watching them grow up and learn the basics of the household and training. Have fun with her! they definitely grow up way to fast!(:

Comment by manda & molly on November 15, 2012 at 4:27pm
I'm overwhelmed about all of this, I thought that bringing another dog into the family would be a horribly daunting process that would leave dogs and people stressed out, I expected it to be months before the calm between savannah and Molly. Boy was I wrong! Molly has made a smooth transition so far. I think we might be in the honeymoon stage though, getting a corgi can't be this simple!
Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on November 15, 2012 at 4:01pm

Congrats, it is so exciting watching them grow and seeing them do all their firsts!  Our pem (Tucker) we rescued about a year and a half ago at the age of 3, had a first for me the other day!  As I was putting on my shoes he went right to his crate (he is crated while I work), without being asked!!  Corgis are so smart!

Be sure to take lots of pictures and videos!!

Comment by Mike Richards on November 15, 2012 at 12:12am

Congrats on the new addition!

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