Hi, I wonder if you know a good breeder in Ontario  (near ottawa) or québec. I dont want to buy from pet shop or a puppy mill.

Thank you

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Curig is the closest to my house a 1 hour drive. Not to bad.

I can't help you on the breeder thing but I want to thank you for seeking out a good breeder!  :3


There to many puppy mill around and saw a lot of documentarie on T.V. about this. It's really discusting. I want a corgi that i can see the parents on site,  know is background.

Hi Nathalie

Looks like you found a very cute puppy! Which breeder did you settle on?  I had so much trouble trying to get one in Canada, I ended up getting a puppy from Michigan. I think Rocky suits her fine!

Hi Robin,


We don't have the puppy yet, I found that picture on internet and founded to cute. Actually, he or she gone to be that color. My daughter Mélyna dediced last week that it's going to be a female, sable and her name will be Pooky. She's really decided for a five years old.


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