
I have a few questions. I have never had an intact female dog before. I've always had male dogs, neutered and unneutered and they've always been very happy, loyal and never moody. Well Eowyn is still intact and is starting to get very moody, especially when she doesn't get her way. She's 15 months old. She's not aggressive moody, but sulking a lot lately. She always hiding in the bathroom now. We go for walks and she's VERY happy, but straight when we come inside, she skitters on into the bathroom and sometimes stays there for HOURS on end. We have to go looking for her sometimes because she's been gone for most of the day and we find her in one of the bathrooms. She doesn't hide in any rooms, just bathrooms. We have three of them and she's always in them lately. She use to be such a happy dog, but now, she's always sulking. Our 4 month old Borzoi makes her seem worse because he's such a happy little thing and is always willing to stay out by your side. But, Eowyn on the other hand is starting to really annoy me.

She's sulking and not eating, and is only happy when I take her on walks. I can't walk her 24/7. She gets plenty of walks, and not just walks down the sidewalk on a leash. We go up high into the mountains and the wilds and let her run and run. We stay out for hours on end with them outside until they are ready to go home. We go camping and long road trips to new places. But, right when we come home, she gets sulky and moody and hides in the bathroom like she wants nothing to do with any of us, not even play with Vladimir the Borzoi pup and always growls at him. The only time she comes out is when we have food and she starts to beg for it because she's starving and won't eat her own. I've started to close the doors for she can't go in them, but she sits near them. We have a small corridor going down to the downstairs bathroom and she's always by that. Sometimes she just lays in the living room and sits there or tries and squeeze behind the TV. When we call her name, she just stares off like she's dead. Our nana once was calling her name and she didn't respond so she shook her and lifted her up and she was all limp and staring off. Our Nana had to literally YELL her name to make her respond. She just looked at our Nana and flopped back down like "Leave me alone." I don't know what is wrong with her. Is this typical of intact female dogs? I'm getting her fixed on the 24th of this month, will this cure any of these symptoms? I've read it does help. Any help? Thanks!

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I wonder if it could be anything to do with a false pregnancy type thing?
She did go through one of those, but she wasn't in heat at all it was the fact when we took her to a dog park this chihuahua would NOT stop humping her and I kept telling it off but his owners weren't doing a thing. So in the end I just told THEM off and left. She was fairly young then and I guess she thought the chihuahua actually mated with her. She was starting to nest behind the couch, but that false pregnancy went away and she's never done it since. But the way she is acting now is nothing like how she acted then.
As others have already mentioned, it's very typical for dogs to lay on the tile floor to cool off if too warm. If you're certain she's not going through a heat cycle or certain she's not pregnant, maybe she's just bored. Maybe she needs more mental entertainment. Have you tried other activities with her? I'd try giving that a chance and seeing if that helps too. EDIT: For example, Kong toys, chew bones, other chew toys, etc.
There is tile in the kitchen, front door, master bath and the other bathrooms, but she never lays in the kitchen (which is huge) or the front door or in other places in the master bathroom, only squishes behind the toilet. I'm giving her plenty of mental stimulation and exercise. I've practically taught her every trick in the book and she has it down pat. We walk them both 2 times a day (with brief training and off-leash run) and we go for long hikes every weekend. I would get her into herding or agility, but I haven't found any events here where I live. We have plenty of toys down upon the ground since we have a 16 week old Borzoi pup who obviously is starting to teeth.

I've bought Kong toys for her, but she doesn't seem to interested in them, I think they're too hard. She has a rope with pig hooves on it which she loves. I buy her Dingo bones, big stuffed animals (but she rips them up in a few hours!) and those long wiener dog things that squeak with many others. I'm always in the toy section, lol. She does play with them and loves to play with them if I play with her, but once that is over she just sulks in the bathroom. I mean I play with her and walk her for hours, but she just doesn't like to spend 'quality quiet' time with any of us. Our 4 month old Borzoi pup loves to spend quality time with all of us (sleeping next to us on the couch, quietly relaxing in the room we are in). He tries to with Eowyn, but she wants nothing to do with him. I don't know if the house she doesn't like, but she doesn't want to be a outside dog...so...I don't know.
Mia is still intact. I say that she acts just a humans do. Its kinda funny, but i think its soo true. The fatigue, cramping, moodiness, its all relavent. Mia goes through swings and she does that annoying growling at Bill, our pug, just like Eowyn does to Vladimir. She wants nothing to do with him and kind of hides away, she doesn't hide in any bathroom, but nuzzles herself somewhere that she won't be bothered. She also loves being exercised! She would do anything to go for a walk, but just as you stated I can't walk her 24/7 for the 3 wk duration or whatever. I think that exercise, just like humans, helps to alliviate "cramping" and raises endorphines (if dogs have them). I think that what Eowyn is going through is totally normal.

I consulted with my vet about keeping Mia intact, and her advice was to get her spayed before she was 1 yr of age or before she had her first cycle, to reduce the risk of cancer ( I forget if it was uterine or cervical). Time slipped away and now she is two. We may try for a litter, but not sure if its a possibility just yet. Spaying Eowyn will definitely help with the "swings" and will keep a cleaner house if you know what I mean.
I hear most dogs do act that way when in a heat cycle, but like I said before she isn't going through one right now, nor is she about to go into one. She just finished her second heat cycle about 3 months ago. I doubt that she is coming into another one so soon! I hope getting her spayed with fix these problems I have with her. I'm just thankful she's not turning aggressive moody. (Luckily she has no aggression problems, well only baring her fangs every so often at Vlad)

Yeah they can get a number of cancers, Uterine, Cervical and Mammary. I want to get her spayed ASAP! I would have done it at the recommended age of 6 months, but that was a hectic time in my life. Thankfully, she's a clean dog and left no marks behind when she was in heat. She always washed up and stayed clean, lol!

Thank you!
This does sound like she may be coming in to her very first season. I do think you will find a more even tempered girl once she is spayed. The change in hormones greatly affect their personalities and moods. I would suggest a comprehensive exam at the same time. Good luck!
Yeah, but like I said she's already gone through two seasons, she's 15 months old and she is surly not due for a third one so soon. She's acting worse than most teenage girls right now! Thanks, I will! =)


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