most commonly enjoyed kibble among Corgi owners.

Ok..I know this has been discussed before, but just want to get a sense of the most commonly enjoyed kibble among Corgi Owners..want to switch from Purina One puppy to something else, and would prefer it be one that is fairly easy to find either in the grocery or pet shop..IMS, Beneful? Science Diet? I would like to hear your thoughts...

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our vet put Max on eukanuba because he was eating Beneful (father in law was a executive in Purina and we got free food, pretty much) and he had such bad allergies to the food-- all the dye, etc., they put in them. So Eukanuba worked for Max. I tried Science Diet with Blaze (he's 11 weeks) and he hates it, even though that was what the breeder was giving them. So I bought Iams-- I know it's horrible but Blaze LOVES it. I'm going to try to find Canidae and see how that goes....
do you find that switching like that effects them? How much time do you give a product to see if they like it or if it effects their bowels too much?
After much debate, just yesterday I switched both my cat and my dog over to Canidae (Felidae for the kitty). Grover freaking loves it. He is nuts about it already. I've never seen him gobble his food up so quickly. Now the cat is another story. I'm afraid he's a little finicky about it. We'll have to wait and see. Their both still eating a mix of the old and the new food, so he may warm up once we make the total switch.
It is a little harder to come by. I'm getting it from a local kennel/pet store for it. But I've also read that Blue Baffalo is a great brand. You can get it at my petsmart, but they did have a limited selection. But I've heard lots of good things about it from people on this board.
We feed ProPlan sensitive skin and stomach (or is sensitive stomach and skin?)

Our collie has extremely dry skin (even with this food AND a daily fish oil supplement) and our lab had brittle nails, so it just seemed like a good solution.
Big vote here for Wellness.
"Most commonly enjoyed kibble" ... by the dogs? or by the owners?

Al & Gwyn eat raw meat supplemented with only a little Wellness(TM) whitefish& sweet potato kibble. They love it, but it's not hard to please animals who snack out of the cat box.

I forgot my own food on a hike once, but since I had plenty extra for the dog, I stole food.... from my own dog!! I will have to answer for this someday. The kibble tastes rather bland, none of the salt and spice and tastes we spoiled rich humans are used to, but when you're hungry,your taste buds will take what they can get.

The kibble is a lot handier than raw meat on long hikes. Dog food, like any food, is perfect bear bait, so airtight plastic cans are really handy to try to contain the odors a little bit.
I'm so relieved to hear that someone else has eaten dog kibble. I always insist on trying out the food, that way if someone asks, I can give an intelligent answer instead of looking into those deep pools for an answer. LOL

Who would ask? Surprisingly many people, even my vet!!!! LOL (He asked cause he knows I try everyting out)
Yeah..seems like lots of folks go raw for their dogs..seems like that would be pretty expensive and if there are other healthful products out there for our corgis, then a good kibble is worth having!! My friend likes Nutro for her Westie..havent tried it.
Good to know when camping this summer..about the bear bait that is..thanks for the tip!
John you are a true outdoorsman. Not sure I could bring myself to eat the kibble...but then I'd probably go back...
I am a big Natural Balance fan.
Charlie's doing great on Canidae ALS. The Pet Supplies Plus here carries it.


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