I recently found out that some breeders have the Pembroke tails docked. I was completely unaware that this still happens to any breed and thought that all Pembrokes were born with the short tails. Does anyone know more about this? Honestly it made me sick to my stomach to think that little Gonzo could have had his tail chopped off as a puppy.

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My puppy, Arabella, was born a few weeks ago. I am from Australia in which it is illegal now to dock tails. As a result, there are some puppies born with the bob tail, whilst others have a long tail.

Arabella has a long tail, and she is beautiful.
It would certainly help them communicate better if they HAD tails.
Well this has been an interesting discussion. I guess at the end of the day, anyone purchasing from a reputable breeder or from a BYB who respects the PWCCA Breeder Code of Ethics will buy a Corgi with a docked tail. There won't be any exceptions. Anyone wanting a Pem with a tail can buy from an irreputable BYB or puppy mill who disregards the PWCCA Ethics, go through Rescue and adopt, or have one imported from a European breeder where the laws now prevent breeding to standard.
It has come to my attention that I can close this discussion. I never knew I could do that! I think everyone should agree to disagree. This will be one of those issues where people are unlikely to change their minds. I hope everyone enjoyed the discussion and wasn't offended by what anyone has said. Time to move on!


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