We are having Monty neutered in a little over a week a the local animal hospital. It is a really nice facility and I took him there to get some of his shots and check the place out. They were very caring and thorough. As Monty is our furbaby we treat him like gold...best food, toys etc. However, they gave us an estimate for the surgery including all the extras we could request and it was a bit of a shock. The basic surgery is $130 but with all the extras it comes to around $370. We aren't made of money but we can afford what is best for him, so I wanted to see if the extras were really necessary or just over cautious and probably a waste of money.
The extras are pre-surgery bloodwork (we are definitely doing this but it is $65!), IV setup and fluids ($90) and laser surgery (I am really undecided about this-it is $70 but if it is really beneficial and less painful for him then I am willing). They also include the collar but I know I can get that cheaper at the store.

So what do you guys think? Again I will pay anything to keep him happy and safe but as these are all optional I wanted some other opinions as I am not objective:-).
Thank you,

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That does seem like a lot! We paid $46.50 for the pre-anesthesia panel and $127 fot the rest - surgery, anesthesia, monitoring, and pain injection. His take-home meds were $8.50. This was in Southern California.
Any surgery is serious, but neuter is a relatively easy and safe procedure since most of the "plumbing" is on the outside. I think most young healthy dogs would be fine with just the basic surgery. Trust your own instincts. If you're more comfortable with any or all of the "adders", then I'd say go ahead with them. I've never done more than a "basic spay/neuter" on any of my pets.
I'd say go with the basic as well - I had Roscoe neutered a couple of weeks ago, it was $100 for everything at my local vet. He was fine the next day and two weeks later everything is still fine.
I would say $370 is quite high. IV set ups and fluids are going to be a normal charge....but some vet fee structures do not charge separately for this. Laser surgery is less invasive but I wouldnt think a necessity. E- collars are easily obtainable....and some never need it. If he is a youngster, in good health and has had regular veterinary care I think I would forego the bloodwork as well if you are looking at savings. Do let whatever vet you use know that vonWillebrands is not uncommon in the corgi breed. Unless the sire and dam have been tested you would have no way of knowing. This is a bleeding disorder similar to hemophelia in people where the blood does not clot efficiently. Good to make the vets well aware so they can be prepared should this be an issue.
Timmy's surgery was $230.00, I had the pre-op bloodwork done and took home pain medication, if needed. The laser surgery would seem less invasive, but I'm not sure it would be worth the extra. Boys have a pretty small incision as it is. If both testicles are descended then it should be routine. If one is still inside or both are inside, the surgery can get more complicated and require a larger incision, and probably more expensive.


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