We've had Flash home for about a week now and we've been doing ok with the house training - about one accident every 24 hours. We went 48 hours without an accident until last night when the puppy and I both fell asleep in the living room, awoke from the phone ringing and Flash peeing on the carpet before I had a chance to react. Since then he went once this morning on the floor when his Dad wasn't watching him...and this afternoon the strangest thing happened: Flash was hopping in and out of his new bed and romping around, and the next thing I knew there was pee EVERYWHERE in his bed. The strangest thing is that we've been home almost all weekend with him - a big difference from us working all week. I'm not sure if he did this out of excitement, or marking his new bed, or what- he's only 11 weeks old so I kind of see him as a child or a preschooler - "forgetting" to hold it. He never goes in his crate however, but I'm perplexed by his behavior - any ideas?

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Roxy wasn't happy with her bed until she'd indoctrinated it in pee. We wash it frequently, and she hasn't done it again to our knowledge, so maybe he was just claiming his bed.
No answers other then just being a pup. He really has little control of when he goes and when he doesnt. Pups urinate more frequently when they are more active. Usually they are clean through the night before they are during the waking hours. I would just keep your routine. You have a long way to go.
Remember he's less than 3 Months old. Figure he needs to go out once every 3 Hours.
Heather, your pup is very normal and he will continue to have accidents until 9 months - 1 year of age, that is when their bladder will be fully developed and able to hold for long hours. In the mean time, practice a good clean up, keep things on the schedule, watch the pup like a hawk and time will pass in no time. We all went through it :)
That's kind of weird, isn't it? When my last dog was a puppy (over 11 years ago), I bought him an expensive dog bed. He was pretty much housebroken, but when I put the new bed on the floor, he walked onto it a peed. I figured maybe some dog at the pet supply store might have peed on it. I ran the zippered cover through the wash with bleach, soaked the foam core in dog urine neutralizer and sprayed it clean. Got everything dry and put back together, and the pup peed on it again as soon as I put it on the floor. Repeated the whole cleaning/deodorizing process again, and he peed on it. This was not a housetraining issue. It had something to do with that particular bed (I'll never know what). Maybe something with the fabric or foam that made him think it was a huge "pee-pad". LOL Anyway, I finally threw the expensive bed away and bought him a cheap clearance blanket. He never peed on any of his bedding again. Don't know what to tell ya'! : - )
I have yet to find any sort of bedding that Rolo won't pee on. If we put ANYTHING in his crate, it will eventually get doused. I just got to the point where I didn't put anything in there with him. There is only so much laundry I'm willing to tolerate... especially when it seems like almost a willful act! :)

I'm thinking maybe he just prefers the hard plastic floor. I've heard some dogs do, especially when it's hot.
I had the same problem with Yogi, so now I just don't use bedding. For some reason he seems to prefer the bare crate floor or the tiled floor in the kitchen. I guess its nice and cool. Some rainy nites, or nites that he tends to snuggle more I'll have him use the bed or a blanket. But most cases I dont. A few trainer have also suggested not using bedding (esp. in crates) until theyre potty trained.
Flash is a completely normal pup. At 11 weeks Theo had accidents all the time. Even when he knew he was supposed to go outside, he wasn't always good at letting us know he needed to go out. The only times we didn't catch all of his accidents were when we literally took him out every 20 minutes...the entire day.

Theo had some issues with peeing on his bed as well. He had two beds, one of them he rarely peed on (there were a few accidents, but some were my fault for not listening to him when he was telling me he needed to go out), the other bed he peed on all the time. I have no idea why, it's just something he did. When we took that bed away from him, he stopped peeing in the house as much. I'm not saying you should take away his bed. He's only 11 weeks old, give him a few weeks to get over it. If it becomes a real problem you might want to try a different kind of bed, i.e. different material, style, size.
Heather, he's completely normal! :-) Enjoy him. Clean up with appropriate cleaners. Don't make an issue of accidents. Correct gently. Supervise him closely so you can cut down on accidents. And love the stuffing out of him!
Hi Heather,

Just to let you know we are going through this right now too and it's frustrating. Remy will be sleeping and I will not see him wake up then he pees. It seems to me that he just doesn't have a lot of control yet too. We got him a new bed last night as well and he did the same thing. After washing it yesterday he hasn't peed on it again but we'll see what happens! Just wanted to let you know we're right there with you!

If he must have something, instead of getting a bed for the crate right away, you might just try to do an old fluffy doesn't-match-anything-anyway towel for lower cost and ease of cleanup.

One thing I found with Rolo once he got a little older though... if he has something to pee on, he won't even TRY to hold it.... even though he is getting to the age where he should be able to hold it for longer periods of time.

Towels, while soft, unfortunately as well as fortunately sop up the mess so he doesn't mind laying in it til we discover it! So... even though I'd rather just wash a towel rather than BOTH him and the crate... it is better for the overall crate training (in Rolo's case anyway) to have the temporary discomfort of having to sit in it. Theory here is, if they don't like it...they will try not to do it. Since removing the objects to pee on, Rolo holds it for the most part.

This past week was a bit difficult for him. He had an upset tummy and the other end was in blow out mode. Poor thing messed his crate BAD and all he could do was look at me...miserable... as if to say, "I tried momma...I tried...it just...happened!"

I will say... whomever suggested the pumpkin for diarrhea was DEAD ON. Worked like a charm.


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