I saw this on another pet forum I frequent. I think it's a brilliant idea, especially for silly little herding doggies who hate having their nails clipped.


Has anyone tried them? I'm not a big fan of guillotine clippers myself, prefer the scissor style more. Cooper prefers just having his nails filed with an acrylic emory board.

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I use a guillotine clipper BACKWARDS: I cut the nails front-to-back (anterior to posterior).
I believe the tool is designed to cut back-to-front (posterior-to-anterior), but I do it the other direction. I SHAVE thin slices one at a time, not thick chunks. This seems to keep the claws from shattering/splitting.

I keep the bevelled side of the blade facing me (away from the dog). Occasionally I disassemble it and sharpen the blade on an oiled whetstone. A sharp blade helps a lot.

Our dogs are tris, with a few dark nails that are difficult because the quick cannot be seen.

Mark it on your calendar. Cut little, but often. Observe their claws on a hard floor to see which are too long. I trim their pad hair because we have a lot of smooth hardwood flooring. Give treats when you're done.

The dogs hate this; I've hurt them before. I'd like to try the Dremel tool.
ADDENDUM: Al freaks when I clip his nails. having my wife assist by distracting/reassuring him makes it much easier.
Okay, I am a dremel fanatic! I use it for everything I can. Hearing that you can trim a dogs nails with it, is great news for me. However I am not intrested in buying a new dremel just to get that little nail attachment. I can make that myself out of plexiglass. Anyway, those of you who have used a standard dremel, what grit drum did you use to do the trimming?
DO NOT BUY IT! I just bought one last week and it's innacurate, the clippers are blunt and it'll freak out your Corgi because you have to slide the nails through the hole for the sensor to work and their hair gets in the way. It took me 5 minutes to do one nail and my Corgi doesn't even mind a normal clipper. I just returned mine. Worst purchase ever!
Are you talking about the Quick Finder Clipper, the dremel, or the Peticure?
Lots of good ideas here! I'm gonna try them. Rueben was cut by a groomer when having his nails cut so now its just a big chore. I did give up on the guillotine clippers and have gone with the grinder but its kind of loud and he doesn't like it so I do it at night when he's tired and doesn't have all of his energy. Love the emory board idea! I did try the quickfinder and returned it because it didn't work. Could have been just the one I had.
We use a Dremel. It's so much easier. We sell the Quickfinder at PetSmart and I've had tons of them returned because customers weren't satisfied with them.


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