We have a 9-month old Sable named Radar. He has recently taken to barking for no apparent reason. It just so happens  that this normally occurs early in the morning when I take him out. I thought it may be just that he needs to go out. This is not the case. In fact, the barking increases on his way downstairs, while he is outside (sometimes), and when we come back inside. I am not sure if he wants to play, but that is WAY to early, and I don't want to be a bother to our neighbors. Any suggestions or tips would be much appreciated!! Thanks!!

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Hi Lynn, corgis are herding dogs, they run, bark and nip to keep the herd. It is perfectly normal for them to bark / communicate. In order to discourage that behaviour in an urban setting, you can say in a calm voice: "quiet" or "no barking", when he looks at you and stop barking, reward him with a yummy high power treat immediately and say "thank you". Remember, timing is everything. Practice makes perfect.


Other methods have worked for others:


Squirt water with a water bottle (This doesn't work if your dog likes water)


Rinse out a soup can, put 5 pennies in there, duck tape the opening. Get to dog ear level and shake violently. (I've managed to break up fixation with this method)


Good luck!

Thank you, Sam. We have several "cans" around the house. Radar is very "treat motivated" so we will go with the treat approach. That seems like it will be very effective. We'll keep you informed. Thank you again for your recommendations. Have a great night!


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