Hi Everyone!


I was wondering if anyone was interested in planning or wanted to throw ideas out for this years corgi picnic.  It's been awhile since Carter has seen anyone of you guys and I know he misses his corgi buddies =D


~~Please send some love to Christina.  She planned last years picnic and is unable to continue to plan due to health issues.~~


Here are some of the ideas that have been thrown out there

- Freeport (Freeport Doggie Website) is where we had it last year.  We could do the same thing last time and do like a potluck type thing.  I don't know if Mike & Lisa wanted to plan it again.


Wasn't sure if you guys wanted to go to the same place.  I found a dog park in Hoffman Estates (Bo's Dog Park).  I've never been there but the park looks nice.  I'm not sure if they have day passes though and if they would let us have the picnic there.


Just trying to throw ideas out there. Let me know what you guys think or if you want to plan it =D


Hope to see everyone and their corgi's soon!

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Any further news???

Last I heard Sammie was waiting to hear back from the events coordinator at the Napperville dog park.  I assume she is still waiting.  I guess it is time to put a fire under that event coordinator so we have enough time to get the word out about picnic dates, times, etc. 

When my husband and I were out for dinner last night I met someone who has 2 Corgis.  She is interested in the picnic, so I had to take her info and told her I will contact her when I have a real date and location.

I'm so sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you guys.  I finally had spoken to rose today.  If there are more than 25 people we would have to reserve the shelter/picnic area.  Would you say that this is considered open to the public?  If it is then it would be considered a dog event.  I had told her we were just having a get together so I think she thought it wasn't but did mention that if it was we would have to fill out some papers 2 weeks before hand.  She was slightly confusing to talk to so I hope I understood everything correctly.


What do you guys think? Do you think we should try and have it here or should we try and contact Freeport?

What did she say the cost would be?

AND who knows, we might have less than 25.  How many did you get last time?

It is not really open to the public since it is only for Corgi people.  Also, it is for people who bring a potluck dish to share.  That means someone from the public can't just sit down and eat with us.

I would say it is NOT open to the public.

I am stilll open to Freeport.  It is the people in the Chicago area that want it closer to home.  You have to ask them.  I think either place you pick would get a good crowd since the ones that really want to come will make the effort.

Where Freeport is located?
Freeport is a town located near rockford. Im on my cell phone but i think someone has posted a kink for the freeport dog park.

I asked multiple times about a fee and she kept telling me about the one day dog pass so I dont think there is one.

When we had it in freeport i want to say there were about 10u dogs. I bave a feeling if we have it in naperville it might be more just because more people for the chicago land area are more likely to go since it is closer.

I was thinking of something we have discussed. If we bring our own lunch and eat when eat "family" feels like then we wouldnt need to reserve the shelter. Then we could all just get together at the dog park.

It sounds like the event woman is not clear about the details.  When I looked on the park's web site before the cheapest picnic rental space was $35 and that doubled if there was not someone from Naperville to reserve it.  So I expected her to give you a rental fee.


If you want to have everyone bring there own picnic lunch we can try that.  That makes it very easy. However, I do worry that if there is nothing planned for the humans to do, people won't stick around.  Also, they might decide to show later or leave early to go get food somewhere else.  Any thoughts?


What time did you guys meet last time?  Noon to 5 pm?  Are we still taking about the Sept.11th?


Well I kept asking for a fee and I even said renting the shelter and she said no you don't rent it you just reserve it. So I don't know if I was unclear or if she might have been unclear of what we were trying to do.  I think we did decide to meet at noon for when we went to Freeport.  I know I was late though and we left early because we had to get back to school.  I know we won't be able to stay the whole time.  Since it's a Sunday and school for me is a 4 hour drive we would probably leave slightly early.

I can see if I can run down to naperville on Friday and actually talk to someone face to face and let them know what we would like to plan. Unless Renee can since she is a little closer. Also if anyone is interested, carol stream park district is running a 'bark in the park' on Sept 18. They have agility, flyball, and herding groups there showing off their stuff and offering classes. I'll be there with Izzie for sure.
that would be awesome. i was taking to a lady named Rose. i don't know if what i was asking was confusing or if she was interpreting it as something else.
If this lady is confused imagine she talking with me with my brazilian accent LOL!!!
I can try to go there. Give me all the details of what you are planing and what I have to ask, please!


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