Molly loves tall grass! When she gets to tall grass, she runs up to it and does this crazy, and silly, dive into it and then just lays there.

Is that a personality trail or a breed trail? Does anyone else's little one do this?

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Lily does this also. We have a lot of monkey grass in the backyard and she loves to do the exact same thing. Once, when she was still really tiny, I thought we had lost her because she would not come to me. She was playing in the grass and luckily I heard her before I lost it. It is so cute to watch her do it, but I try to discourage it now because we have a neighborhood cat who loves to use that area for a bathroom. ICK! She now runs through the iris and other flowers around the pond, which is as thick as the monkey grass. It is so much fun to watch her play!
Yes! That's exactly what she does.

I'm so glad to hear it's a furkid trait!
Monty does this too. There are two spots in front yard with a tall soft grass where he dive bombs and then rolls around on his back. It is the funniest thing to watch. It also stops traffic-I have had several people slow down their cars to laugh and say they have never seen a dog do that or isn't that cute. There are also two lawns on his nightly walk that have these patches and we must stop at each one. The funniest one is on a little hill so when he rolls, he goes down the hill which surprises and excites him so he does it again.
I loved it when my Rugby did that!!! the best was when she made it to her back and started kicking and arching her back - it was hillarious!!!! We called it the "happy roll"

She would also do that "dive" into stinky things that she wanted to rub into her neck. 99% of the time it didn't stick to her. I loved the corgi fur that seems to resist a lot of junk! :)
Guess what?!! Bob Dog does the same thing. They must be related. And Tasha loves to seek out tall grass to go potty. Sorry we haven't been in touch but have been a bit under the weather since vacation. Please get in touch when you get back!
Half the houses in our neighborhood have these tall, decorative plants that look like 1ft high bunches of huge grasses in their yards. Triley loves, loves, loves to dive into them and run around. Once, when he was a puppy he went into a patch to poop and all we could see what his little nose sticking up over the top - too cute! I've tried to plant some in our backyard, but they aren't big enough yet. Maybe next year? It must a corgi thing to wander around in tall grasses! :-)
Emma jumps around like a bunny in tall grass, like corgis do in the snow, but she doesn't lie down it in.
Yes, our pup does this too! she loves to just lay in it. when she does walk around, she hops like a bunny through it, it's so cute!


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