Hi, everyone! It's been quite a while since I last posted. Been busy with end-of-the-school-year activities. I hope this post finds you all well.

Here's the issue. We rescued Camber in March from a situation where she was in a kennel for most of her life. So, we decided that we wouldn't have a kennel in the house. Camber has staked out a corner on the couch on her blankie and in front of the subwoofer and at night, she sleeps in our room on her own bed.

The problem is that now, she's taken to sleeping in the corner by the bed-on the floor. My boyfriend wants to keep her from sleeping in the corner. I think that she just wants to be closer to us, he thinks that she's beginning a bad habit by hiding in the corner.

I would love any input on this. Is she just wanting to be close or is she starting a bad habit? Thanks for any advice!

P.S. I'm bringing her to work next Tuesday, the last day of school. She'll have a blast!

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I think it is ok for your corgi to be sleeping in the corner near the bed, it is better than on the bed. Camber might find comfort in the corner. When we took our corgi out of his kennel because we thought it was too small for him we gated an area of the bedroom off. He snuggled right into the corner! Here I thought that the kennel was too small but he still insisted on curling up. We thought maybe he would want more room to stretch, but no!
You know? That's what I thought, but figured I should put it out there--just to make sure. She's been slowly coming into her personality. The other thing that is worrisome is that she's only barked 4-5 times. She usually just barks once. Lately, though, she's been more vocal when she's running around the yard. I guess it's better than barking ALL the time, right? thanks for your advice!
Some dogs bark more than others. I would rather have a dog that didnt bark so much. It just depends on their personality I suppose. Our cardigan corgi is a barker! We love him so much that we have adjusted. He barks at us to play but I think we created that when he was a puppy. We played with him all the time which is what I thought you should do. I have heard that you should determine when it is time to play and not play. I had no idea! He barks non stop when people are over and trying to figure out how to deal with that. Lately I have been putting him upstairs in a room and letting him out of the room have our guest have been at the house for awhile. I dont know if that will break him of the habit or not. Your Welcome, glad I could be a help!
Well, I'm glad that she doesn't bark all the time, to be honest. And, when she does bark, it's like a little treat. Her play involves us chasing her around the yard. It's pretty simple with her. Camber is getting used to our guests--she still gets skittish around men. She's coming around.
I am hoping that as he gets older he will bark less.....he is pretty laid back corgi....just wants all the guests to pay attention to him. The hardest part is having the guest ignore him so he doesnt carry on. That is why they carry on because the behavior get enforced. He will be three in October so he is still pretty young.
She's coming around to our guests, but she still runs away when someone tries to pet her. But, she's running away less now. Compared to what she was like when we rescued her, this behavior is a vast improvement. This summer, I will work on training with voice commands and look into agility training for her. I think that she'd enjoy it--she loves running.
Is the corner carpeted or bare floor. During the summer I know that Timmy prefers to sleep on the bare floor, on tile, or UNDER the bed, because it's cooler. Could be something as simple as that. she may also be wanting to be nearer to you. I used to feel that when Timmy went under the bed he was pouting. Now, I realize that he feels this is his space and he feels very safe there. Doesn't matter to me, since he can pretty much go anywhere and sleep anyplace he wants at my house, but it did make for some panic, when I couldn't find him! LOL

Maybe somebody with experience with a rescued puppy mill corgi has more information. Thanks for providing her with a home she deserves.
Well, when we saw her face, I was like, "She is SOOO coming home with us." Everyone that sees her tells us that she is the cutest. I also feel that a dog should have her space, so I didn't stress about it. I think that she does want to be close to us and I think that she prefers the cooler floor.

Thank you!
Choosing corners to sleep is a very normal choice for many dogs. It has that secure "den like" feel. For a dog that has lived her life in a kennel she does enjoy having her place. I would not make any changes. I have several dogs that enjoy smaller places like this to sleep.
Regarding barking some dogs are just more vocal then others. Often times with rescue dogs one will see a bit of an increase as they become more comfortable in their homes. I would be thrilled if some of mine didnt have quite as much to say.
Regarding the cardigan that always barks at company this is a training issue that you would do well to deal with. I would put him on lead when company comes and correct him when he barks. This behavior is draining as you well know and usually fixed if you have a bit more control when people come over. Practice, practice.
Corgi's LOVE corners!!! At least ours do!

And under beds... behind shower curtains... any place cool that they feel secure and safe.

Sadie has a favorite spot in the dining room that she sleeps when my husband and I have friends over to play games. We sit at the table and often hear a snore coming from the corner between the dining room doorway and the hallway. The "corner" is only like 9 inches wide... but she likes to burrow in and use the doorway to prop her head up.

This usually results in a really *funny* position with her eyes half closed and her mouth all smiley. The snore with her eyes open it what sends us into giggles. I'll have to sneak a camera to the table before our next game session to see if I can catch a photo... it's really hilarious in that it looks so uncomfortable... but if it really was... I don't think she'd be doing it so regularly.


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