We just picked up our puppy from the breeder on Friday and so far he is doing good.
He was always in a kennel so he thinks he can pee in his crate.

He makes it outside most of the time when we are home and is doing really well at it specially since Friday was his first time ever on a leash and living in a house, but it seems he can't even go 4 hours in the crate without peeing in it! I always thought that dogs would not soil their beds and they would try and hold it. My sisters dog didn't go in her crate at all even when he had to go overnight when she was a puppy..

Does Harry just not get it?? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated !!!

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Here's a thread that will help you. Use the search box and you'll find tons on info on potty training.

Actually teaching a dog to potty train is easier than teaching a baby. A baby takes several years, a dog only takes 9mos - 1 year :)
Do you have his crate divided or does he have the run of the entire crate? If he has the whole crate, he may pee in one corner and sleep in another. Try blocking off part of his crate so he cannot do that. Dogs will usually not sleep on soiled areas.

Otherwise, he may just be too young. The first few weeks we had our pups, they had to go out once during the night usually. They outgrow that quickly.
Use the routine that has been recommended in the other potty training articles. Sadly this can be a real problem for pups that have been raised in confinement and not in ones home. On your side is the fact that he is probably quite young. The down side is he has never been offered another option so eliminating in his crate is all he is used to. It may take longer to potty train this guy but it will happen. A good routine and lots of praise will make it happen. It just may take a bit longer.


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