So, Halloween is coming up.. I'm interested to hear what kinds of costumes your corgis will be sporting this year!?

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Oh my gosh, you folks totally inspired me to dig through the bag of clothes for Goodwill and I found a gold sequined top

that is now a gold sequined gown for Gracie!  A little velcro, a little tailoring....and I have enough material leftover for a little hat or handbag!  Pictures to follow!   My girl will be gorgeous!!  Try it, just cut down the front or back of a sleeveless top and use the neckline as back of their neckline, velcro on the ends to close in the front, trim the sides leaving a belt to tie under their middle or use more velcro.  Awesome!!

That will be epic!
Piper is going to be a butterfly.  She's not fond of the antennae, though lol!
my corgi is going to be a banana for halloween : ) lol




It's Sid the Shark!



Love it ! Land shark corgi


Is it safe to go back into the water? LOL

Here is a picture of Dino in his costume.


That is adorable. How do you get him to stay in his costume?
The really hard part was to get the prescription glasses.
That is hilarious!!  :)

I made Koda a herpetologist (reptile scientist) costume to enter for most unique at a costume contest. It was a khaki shirt with a snake on the front and I covered it in vines and leaves. I attached rubber snakes, lizards and turtles all over the leaves. He wore a safari hat and an old digital camera around his neck.

They eliminated the most unique category at the contest. LOL Needless to say Koda didn't win :(

However, I was proud of him for going into the amusement park. It was a scary place for a dog with all the screaming, people in costumes, loud roller coasters etc. He was very nervous in the beginning but he overcame his fear and by the time we left the park he was trotting around confidently like he owned the place. We stopped for bones and bully sticks on the way home.

I have another handmade costume planned for the next contest and a couple of store-bought as well. I don't know which to use yet. At the last contest, all store-bought costumes won, but I always feel like I need to make something more unusual so he stands out. We only have a few costumes available around here. Hot Dog, Pumpkin, Devil, Unicorn.


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