My wife and I have decided to get Vinnie microchipped, unfortunately we decided to do this after someone took our femail corgi...


A very hard lessen learned.  I've been reading online and there is a lot of information all of which doesn't really tell you much.  Do I call my vet and just use whatever Chip he deals with?  or do I investigate which one is better than the other?  It seems like there are several chip companies and the possiblity of your chip not being read by some chip readers....


I'd love to put a GPS tracking chip in him, but it seems that technology is not yet available, which I cannot believe there isn't anything out there like that for the general public.


I'm new to this forum and wasn't sure exactly where to ask the question so hopefully I didn't put this in the wrong place.

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Good question, I will be interested in the answers. My vet offered one that is international but came with a pretty hefty yearly fee. My cat is a rescue and is chipped, and it can be read by my vet's scanner. So What the scoop guys???
Try HomeAgain -- they seem to be the industry standard. There's no GPS b/c that requires a battery. Unfortunately, there's no safe way of inserting a battery into your dog's tissue that will a) last the whole life of the animal (10-20 yrs depending on breed) and b) will not leak and harm the animal. I'd love to have that technology. You can however do a collar with GPS, but that costs a small fortune. I paid $35 for my microchip when I had Crumpet fixed (so she could have it done when she was under and it wouldn't hurt). Talk to your vet about it as I'm sure she/he is well versed in micro-chipping.
My Ellie is chipped with a HomeAgain chip, but that's because that's what my Vet happens to use.  I don't know that any one particular chip is any better than another.  You can take a look at this link for lots of information.  The whole article is useful, but this part in particular deals with cross-compatibility of microchips, which is what I think you're looking for.  Hopefully this helps!
I also found this link over at Petfinder, which is a bit more reliable than Wikipedia.  ;)
You can use your Vet.  Chips are now all readable by the same scanners (didn't use to be that way) but you should only have to pay the fee to insert the chip and then a fee to register the chip in your name - that's all. No yearly fees.
We have Home Again, You pay the vet, pay to registrar, and if you wish you can pay yearly to get their news letter and other perks but you dont have to. I don't. and you can still up date your info and it is always on file so if your dog is lost or stolen, and is taken to the vet, and the vet happens to scan it you will be called.  I think that is the big thing cause if the animal is stolen and the people take it to the vet is the vet going to know he should scan it???
I agree with that.  I'd like to think that Veterinarians make a point to scan all newly-acquired dogs at their first visit, but I don't know that they do.  It would be nice to see them start doing so, though.
I have never seen a Vet scan a dog unless asked to do so.  The chip is no protection against stealing, unless you know who took the dog, then it would allow you to prove the dog is yours.  Even when a dog is lost, it works marginally, as the dog will most likely be scanned only if it ends up in a Shelter or Rescue.  Tags with a name and phone number are essential.  I like the ones that are riveted into the collar, as the hanging ones are more likely to come off.  The combination of Microchip, tags, good fencing and good supervision is the best we can do :-)
I brought my corgi puppy over from Europe and when I brought her in for her first checkup, the vet did verify her paperwork with the tattoo on her ear to make sure it matched the Euro Pet Passport (she was too young to be safely microchipped). I think my vet is thorough and top notch. She is part of a national animal hospital organization called VCA. I'm sure vet quality varies. But all animal shelters are supposed to check for microchips on newly acquired dogs. This prevents a lost dog from being put down or given away. So please, everyone, get your pooch microchipped and make sure the chip works at your annual visits by having your vet scan it!
I would recommending calling your vet and asking what they use and why. Most vet offices will talk to you over the phone for free, and that way you are getting a professional opinion.
P.S. Frosty is chipped as well as all our house cats that ever go anywhere with us. We used whatever our vet had which had a one time registration fee for the chip and then an extra $20 fee to have them entered into a national registry. The only other fees we have are for changing address/phone information on file. Think the brand we have is Avid.

The American Kennel Club has a micro chip service.  Gromit's chipped with one of their tags.  One of the things about micro chipping is that the dog can carry an extra collar tag saying that it's micro chipped, that might deter someone who decides to snatch the dog or would alert someone who found the dog after it got lost.  Nothing is fool proof but proper licensing and micro chipping may increase the chances of getting your dog back if it gets lost or is stolen.

There is also a GPS tracking collar that you can get but it's kind of large for a Corgi, a little more expensive plus $15 a month for the monitoring.  A thief would merely take the collar off but perhaps not before the dog had left the "safe zone" and set off an monitoring alarm.



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