Vote for Frosty = Hoping to benefit

Hello my friends.  I am sending out a personal plee to everyone I know, and I hope you will also pass it on to those that you know.


Please go to the link below and vote for Frosty.  I have entered him in a contest on Facebook to be the cover dog for Life + Dog Magazine.  The top 5 vote receiving dogs will receive prizes AND a donation to a charity of their choice.  If by any chance we should succeed, Frosty and I would love to take this opportunity to be able to donate to


Remember, please pass this link along to your friends, we super appreciate your support!!  Voting will take place from 11:00AM CST Friday, January 6, 2012 through 11:00PM EST Monday, January 16, 2012.




Here is the link to vote for Frosty.  If you are interested in information about the contest or the prizes the winners receive, please click on the “about this contest” or “winners” tabs respectively.  You will have to have a facebook page and “like” the Life + Dog facebook page to be able to vote.



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I voted for Frosty!  Good luck!  He is so beautiful!  Keep us posted!

Coming up on the end of day one and Frosty is currently in 8th place with 52 votes

Sorry, I went to vote, but they make me give permission to access my facebook profile, including e-mail address,  ALL of which I have set to "private."  

So, I didn't vote.  

That's ok Beth, thanks for trying!

I voted and shared!  I hope it works!

How much longer and what is the status?? We should go ahead and declare him the winner.

K Franklin has a few votes (enough for me to care), now lets get Frosty in the top 5!!! GO FROSTY!!! 

Go Frosty, Go Frosty!!!

I voted and added it to my FB page!

Voting goes through Monday, January 16th, but each facebook acct can only vote once

Frosty is now down to 10th place!  Does anyone have any ideas on how we might get more votes?

post on facebook pages, there are several welsh corgi pages as well as the page, Life+Dog page, PLAY Lifestyle and You page, any dog related/animal related page would work. I did this when campaigning for Frank's last model contest and he ended up in 2nd place (although this contest, the votes are already higher than they were at the end of the last contest). Maybe ask Daily Corgi if they could feature Frosty on a blog or on her webpage? Send personnel messages to all your friends, there is also a corgis on facebook group here on that you could message those members or put a post on that wall. Good luck! 

I have contacted the Daily Corgi, but since there is more than one corgi in the contest, I am not allowed to post on any of her pages :(  It does seem like there are a LOT more votes this year than last year!!


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