Penelope is about 3 years old and in good health since I brought her home two years ago.

I started noticing signs all day of her not jumping up that much or needing help. I thought maybe she was just being silly until we went to lay down for a nap. She couldn't jump up on our bed at all which is currently on the floor so it's less than two feet high. Any time she's wanted to jump up on something she could. She's also been shaking alot today but I didn't really pay attention to it because some times she'll shake for attention and my mom came over so I thought she was worked up.

Well after the nap my husband said he brought her outside to go to the bathroom and she had a really hard time coming up 3 steps to come back inside. We brought her inside and looked her over. She was shaking pretty badly and she wouldn't even stand up and put her paws on us. My husband reached down and barely touched her back legs and she yelped.

Has this happened to anyone? Any information would be greatly appreciated! I have to leave for work tonight and I'm really worried about her. Thank you


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she needs to be seen by a vet. Two of the biggest signs of pain are reluctance to move and shaking. The pain can be caused by a number of issues so its hard to say what exactly is going on, but she is definitely in significant pain if she is shaking/trembling. If you can't get her to the vet asap, then take her in tomorrow morning as early as possible. Is she eating/drinking still? If the answer is no, then she needs to go to an emergency clinic. 

Ditto - vet appointment ASAP

yes, please get her to the vet right away and make sure they take xrays.

Sidney was three when we found out he has hip dysplasia. When his leg popped out of the hip socket, he was shaking and trembling and his eyes were dilated with fear and pain. You couldn't tell his leg was dislocated until the vet took xrays.

He ended up having FHO surgery and he's good as new now. It was so scary when he was hurt though. It's terrible when our babies are in pain and they can't tell us what's wrong.

Vet.  I agree with everyone else.  She's in pain and needs to be seen ASAP.

I ditto everyone.  Penelope needs to be seen by a vet.  I hope she's ok!   Corgi smooches and well wishes from my three (and me) going out to Penelope.  Keep us posted! 

Were you able to take Penelope in to the vet? Please keep us informed. I hope and pray she is doing better.

I took Penelope to the vet this morning. Of course she acted like a trooper and pretended she wasn't in any pain. Although I caught her eye twitching while the vet was moving one of her legs. Nothing slips past momma. The vet took some X-rays of her hips and noticed her joint sockets were shallow and there was some uneven wearing which would cause discomfort and could lead to more severe hip dysplasia down the road. They have her on some type of pain killer right now but I forget what it's called. She still is hesitant to jump up on things but that's okay because that just means she's not jumping down off anything either so she can rest. They said she needs to lose some weight and then we can eventually start her on a diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids and start a glucosamine supplement.

Luckily the vet said her back looked perfect in the Xrays so that's not something we have to worry about. Just hope she starts feeling better. Thank you everyone for your support!

Sidney was on Rimadyl, does that sound familiar? It really helped him a lot!

And for the glucosamine supplement, we give him Dasuquin chews. He loves them! We buy them from Nutramax (the manufacturer) but through and save about half the cost!

She should be feeling much better with the medication. I'm so glad her back is OK!

Glad to hear her x-rays came back fine. Best of luck with losing the weight. I've been very successful with Noodles losing weight giving him green beans or pumpkin mixed with his dry food. It is very hard not to give in to those eyes. Rest up Penelope and Noodles sends corgi kisses your way. Just very glad her x-rays look okay.

I use Dasuquin, too, like Geri gives Sidney.  One of mine has arthritis trouble in her shoulders (even though she is young) so she is also on Deramax but you have to monitor the liver with blood tests every 6 months.  I also give all the dogs salmon oil for the omega threes. 


I'm so glad Penelope is ok...I mean...from what it could have been!  What a frightening time it was for you both!

Normal corgi hip sockets will look like hip dysplasia to any vet unfamiliar with the breed.

Glucosamine is a good idea, but remember, it's a longtern dietary supplement, not a quick fix.

Dino said go to the vet


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