I applied Bio Spot on Dexter last night and a minute after applying it when we were on our way out the door for a walk he started running around the house rubbing his head and sides on the floor and carpets as if he knew it was there and was trying to rub it off (he acted this way a little when I tried the Gentle Leader on him).
During the walk he continued to rub on the carpet, sidewalk, and grass (had a little diarrea from the stress)...
I am a little worried about him... he still ate and drank so it didn't affect his appetite. But he seemed to mope a little all evening. In order to keep him from running around the house I kept him in his pen and he just layed there, moping. His late evening walk was not any better (though he didn't have diarrea anylonger)
This morning he seems to be better... still rubbing a little but happy to go out for his morning walk.
Should I bath him to take the Bio Spot off?... Has anyone else had this reaction from their dogs? I think I need to place him on some sort of flea treatment because he has been scratching a lot.