Sophie bites at the brush when we try to brush her.   If we hold a treat she lets us brush her while she is trying to eat it, but without a treat it is terrible trying to brush her.  Luckily she isnt shedding yet, any suggestions on how to get her to enjoy it and stop biting at the brush.

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Keep up the treats and do just very short brush sessions. A few minutes at a time. Use a gentle brush and don't worry too much at this point about doing a real brush out. Just get her to enjoy it. 

Give the brush to the dog, like a toy.  Our brush handle is nearly chewed-off.  Similarly, if you use a Dremel took, let the dog play with it (unplugged!).  Let the Fearsome Enemy become familiar.

I have to restrain Gwynnie to comb her, she reluctantly submits but struggles to escape the torture.

For Al, it's a massage, he falls asleep while I comb him.

You could use treats other than "coos", but Napolean LOVES the brush :D Most corgis go mainly for praise and every time Napolean would except a stroke of the brush I would say "good boy" and praise him by some petting (without the brush). He learned that the brush was almost a pet time where he could get cuddled. You could also just treat her instead for staying still and allowing you to brush, but I think if she responds well with a "good girl" that's good too :)

When first starting out, I laid the 2 brushes down on the floor and let Noodles sniff them and play with them. Then I progressed to every time he let me brush him for a couple of strokes, I would praise him. After a few minutes of brushing, I'd stop and he would get a treat. Now he has to wait until I'm all done brushing him. I'm not saying he loves to be brushed, but he tolerates it. I like to think he enjoys me telling him he is a good boy and of course he loves the fact he still gets a treat when we are all done. Hey, he gives me kisses after his brushing, so he must not mind it that much, right?


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