How do you deal with new odd fears that crop up? Becca is suddenly afraid of my cellphone. I had it set on vibrate. When it went off she ran into her crate. When the next text came, she went under the kitchen table. Even when it is off vibrate her ears go back whenever she sees it. Yesterday she did the same thing with my camera. Today it was the nail clippers. It tried putting each item on the floor and setting treats beside them. She wanted the treats badly enough to take them but did not like the situation.

The antique/junk store on our walking route is its own issue. Their yard changes daily. She has to stop and look over all the changes before she will walk past. The sidewalk is on the opposite side of the street. I have been treating her if she walks by, telling her what a big brave corgi she is.

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Rosie does not like odd noises like the camera click or the clicker used to clicker train (that was a lost cause). She won't look at you when the camera is out. We have even taken the sound off the camera and she still doesn't like it. She is kind of an odd little duck anyway about stuff like that. She notices every change in yards on our walks and woofs at them. If possible, I take her over to the changed thing and let her sniff it. That usually helps. I just don't make a big deal out of it and that seems to help her the best. Corgis are very observant both visually and hearing-wise. It's part of the herding thing. She is, surprisingly, very good about the dremel for their nails. I introduced it very slowly and she's fine with it, flops on her back and lays there til I'm done!! I just chalk it up to part of her charm and move on.

Seanna has weird issues too.  She doesn't like my carmex tube.  When I unscrew the lid she starts barking and trying to attack it.  Does the same thing when I use my nasal spray.  She runs away when my phone vibrates too.  I just tell her she's silly and it's all OK.  She then comes back, sniffs whatever is scaring her, and is fine.  I'd just not make a big deal out of it, reassure her all is fine, and go on with life.  If you don't act like it's a big deal, then they seem to think it's OK.


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