well i got the news that every military wife dreads hearing. my husband is deploying :( this will be his first and certainly not his last. i knew in my heart this would be the year but we just found out 2days ago that on the 5th of may he will be leaving, so this is our last weekend together :'(

the fact that they told us on such short notice is whats bothering me the most. they are suppose to give him a month to do all the paper work and prepare but since they couldnt he has to cram everything in in a week so we have no time together, i mean that friday he will be in class from 7 am to 6pm so there is no time to spend together.

im wondering how this will affect baden and dollar. they are so use to him taking them out in the morning and feeding them at night. he even puts them to bed at night and i never have. its only for 4months but still it just eats at me that my husband is not going to be here with me and i will be alone. i have friends here in AR but no family as they are in Mi. i would go home but i would have to end our lease ans i dont want to do that.

he will miss both our birthdays and our anniversary :( i know its only 4months (16weeks or 120days) but its still hard to say goodbye. i always imagined that teddy would be here for me as he always filled me with joy, dont get me wrong i love dollar and baden but teddy was my heart. with him gone and now my husband i feel truly alone here :'(

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Normally if it is a sudden tasking, it means someone bailed (or turns out they are not deployable- failed PT test, class 3 dental problems, etc). Long story short, someone screwed up and someone has to pick up the slack. Unfortunately, that means the solider & their family pays the price.

i agree. he honestly wanst suppose to go until September (now that when he will be home) but the guy ahead of him had a reaction to the small pox vaccine but they knew he did about 3weeks ago and they just decided to tell us now. i mean i cant be mad a the guy who had a reaction as its not his fault but the commander (or whoever runs the base) could have told us as soon as it happened 

So sorry for the short notice. I have a feeling you are about to have some extra cuddly corgis.  Somehow they can sense when we're sad and know just what to do to cheer us up.  Best wishes to your husband while he is deployed.  Will be praying for his safe return home.

thank you Emily, i believe we will be very close to each other after this

Rebacca-Marie, a short notice may be hard, but a long notice may have been harder.  Look at it this way, you won't have a month to think he's gonna be gone 4 months and so the time will go quicker.  You and your doggies will form new bonds and you will find strength you didn't know you had.  Our thanks go out to you and your husband from all of us, I'm sure.

What Anna said. Thank you!

thanks Natalia :)

thank you, and u are right. me being a worry bug and cant seem to stop thinking about it every second of the day would make this harder on him and my self. now that it was on a short notice i have to be strong for him and try to just enjoy the time we have together. 

Ugh, hon, I'm so sorry.  Hopefully he'll be able to keep in contact with you via the internet and all. As Rachael said, hope for the best but keep strong if they extend it.  You just never know. 

I'm sure Baden and Dollar will be fine...you three will need to support each other!  Take advantage of the support groups and things.

i will look to them and all of u for support as this will be hard on us. i asked the guy whos making him deploy and he said its not likely but it can happen but he did say that he even maybe able to come home at the end of august and that cheered me a little

Hi Rebecca, I don't understand how military families can do it. It is such a huge sacrifice made by the entire family, so thank you to your husband for his service, and thank you to you for your sacrifice. I don't know how I would manage with the dogs if my husband had to be gone for that long. I wish you the best and hope the days go by quickly for you.

thank you Sandy. its very hard and not very many people can do it but i will support my husband any way i can because we love each other so much. there are some who just cant handle it but i believe with all of u and my two cats/corgis that the time will fly by 


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