For a couple of days now, Roscoe has had a green/yellow discharge from his eyes. At first it was just one eye, and now it is both eyes. I called the vet, and she stated it could just be allergies, and recommended I give him Benadryl for a few days.

Do I just buy regular capsule Benadryl and give it to him with his food? I tried to search for previous threads, but couldn't find any (and I seem to remember long discussions on the use of Benadryl).

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Use baby benadryl. I believe the dosage is 1 mg per 10 lbs. of body weight. You can get the tabs or the liquid, but the liquid's easier to measure. Anyone else have suggestions.

(Oh, and by the way, it does sound like allergies. Have you changed cleaning fluid or something similar?)
I haven't made any changes to anything in the house in a while. I don't know what it could be.
For an adult corgi I do give them one regular strength benedryl. Not sure how old your pup is or how much they weigh. It does come in capsule form but the liquid may be easier especially if it is a pup. May be allergies but keep a close eye on him. Many respiratory issues express themselves with the symptom of runny eyes. If he is lethargic, goes off his food, coughs or sneezes I would recommend a trip to the vet. If he seems to squint or rub at his eyes he may have scratched them. If the discharge increases I would have him evaluated by the vet. If the problem continues for more than a week and there are no other symptoms I would still have his eyes checked.
He's 6 months old, around 23 pounds. I'd rather give him a tablet than try to get him to drink liquid. The Benadryl can make them sleepy, yes? Any other side effects?
Thank goodness someone else posted about this! For about a week Sid has had little "goopies" in the inner corner of his eyes. It's not much at all, but I do notice it's there. He's normal in everything else; eating, sleeping and playing well. No coughing or sneezing. I wondered if there was something in the air since the really hot and dry weather is just starting here.

He's 22 pounds and one year old, Should we give him one adult Benadryl per day? At bedtime maybe?
Lance has been shaking his head and pawing at his ears like they were bothering him. He also has been sneezing while being outside and then had a cough which I couldnt tell if it was a cough or a sneeze, it was both! Yes, Lances allergies are back! Lance saw the vet tonight. I did find out there is such a thing as benadryl capsules, I knew there were caplets and liquid but not capsules. We also had to get ear drops for his ears because they were red too.
I gave him a tablet, and his eyes were fine this morning. It didn't seem to have any effect on his activity level. Thanks all!
So is diarrhea a possible side-effect of Benadryl? Because I came home from work to quite the disgusting surprise today, and he seems to still be suffering from it. His eyes have a little bit of discharge, but not as much as before.
This is the first I heard about Benadryl so I gotta try it out for Steve's eye discharge to see it'll help.
I've been told before that using saline solution to flush out the iritant is good so I've tried that a few times and worked OK - the only problem is Steve won't sit still so I used maybe 1/4 of a bottle trying to get one drop in his eye!


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