Saturday my vet gave me a sample of the oral Sentinel flea killer and dewormer. Sunday I gave it to Banzai, in a cheese ball, and he appeared to handle it well. The only draw back was one bout of diarrhea, and loose stool afterward. So far we have not found any fleas, but our "back yard" is FILLED with mosquitoes. They eat me alive so I am sure that Banzai is getting bit by them too.

What are your thoughts on Sentinel and its ability to hold up to other brands? How well does it work in the Florida climate? What does work best in the Florida climate? Do you think I should change to something that repels mosquitoes too? Does anyone have suggestions for a combo treatment that includes mosquito repellent?

I do not want to use any over the counter products so please keep that in mind when responding.

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I thought about that but he still had loose stool long after the cheese would have passed.

I like the Sentinel, but I need something to take care of those mosquitoes. Banzai is still too young to hold it after he wakes up in the morning so I have no say when he goes. I might try what alynne suggested. But I'd like to know what natural bug repellent would be safe for Banzai before I go buying things that can poison him.
Awww poor Banzai... I hope you will find something that will work and that he doesn't have some sort of worms! I'll try and look for some solutions as well... good luck!
Well we found out what the stringy thing was. A piece of carpet. -_-'

I know that Banzai doesn't have worms, after all Celeste got him dewormed at the vet, remember? But I know that Kaia has tapeworm. I have been trying to kill them for about a year now, and nothing seems to work for her. I'm going to find what amanda used for Dax.
Found it and bought it! Thank god we won't have to deal with tapeworms anymore.
LOL great! The great thing about that stuff is that it actually dissolves the worms inside of him. Kinda gross i know, but at least you dont have to wait for them to pass naturally! I hope it works for you, though I dont see why it wouldn't. :)
Yay! No having to scoop out the litter box every time she goes! I think I got the generic, I hope it works just as well. Only three pills to a bottle so I'm betting its potent.
Hi, here is a cut and paste from an Environmentally Friendly site, i haven't read it....maybe some useful info:

Is there an effective way to control fleas
that is safe for my pet and
my family?
UPdate Summer 2001
Andrea Johnson responds:
Yes, there is a natural flea-control program which builds upon optimizing your pet's health, regular grooming and regular house cleaning.

To avoid flea problems, you want to make your pet less attractive to fleas. Supplementing your pet's diet with garlic and brewer's yeast will help. Garlic acts as a flea deterrent, as well as an all-round immune system and cardiovascular tonic. Mix fresh garlic, 1/2 to one raw clove, grated or minced, into each feeding. Brewer's yeast creates an odor that is unpleasant to fleas. Depending on your pet's size, mix from one teaspoon to two tablespoons of brewer's yeast in each meal.

Bathing your pet with a good quality Castile soap or a natural pet shampoo will keep fleas down. You can add ten drops of tea tree oil, a natural and safe flea repellent, to an eight ounce bottle of natural pet shampoo. Lather your pet, starting at the neck and avoiding the eyes. Let the shampoo stand for six to ten minutes. Rinse well. Rinse again with a pint of water combined with one tablespoon apple cider vinegar. This removes soap residue and restores the natural pH of the skin. If you cannot tolerate tea tree oil, you can follow the vinegar rinse with a rosemary rinse (one teaspoon dried rosemary steeped in one pint boiling water for ten minutes; strain and cool to body temperature.) Fleas can't live in salt water, so periodic dips in the ocean (or a salt water rinse) can also help keep fleas under control.

During flea season, comb your pet daily with a special flea comb. Cover your lap with an old towel to catch extra clumps of hair and flea dirt. Pull the fleas off the comb into a container of hot, soapy water. After combing, try a herbal flea powder. You can make one by combining in a shaker jar as many of these powdered herbs as you can tolerate: rosemary, fennel, yellow dock, wormwood and rue. Comb sparingly into your pet's hair.

Regular house cleaning is essential because it interferes with the flea's development cycle. Adult fleas account for only 5% of the total population. Flea eggs hatch into larvae, then pupae before hatching as adults. It is a 2 to 20 week cycle, depending on temperature and humidity. Eggs, larvae and pupae are nearly immobile, so clean your pet's favorite rest areas and you will greatly reduce future flea populations.

Vacuum floors and furniture at least once a week. Dispose of the vacuum bag immediately after each vacuuming. Wash floors with a non-toxic soap. Also wash your pet's bedding in hot, soapy water at least once a week. Dry on maximum heat to kill all stages of flea life.

If you just don't have the time and energy to use the natural method, you may wish to consider an oral insect development inhibitor (IDI) such as Program. Program is a pharmaceutical product but is not a pesticide. Program is absorbed from the pet's stomach into the pet's fatty tissues, then released slowly into the bloodstream. When the flea bites the pet it ingests lufenuron which stops eggs from hatching.

Program's manufacturer, Novartis, claims that their product is safe in all mammals. However, Novartis states that some animals may react to Program with individual sensitivities in much the same way as some humans react to Aspirin with a stomach upset. Dr. Fernando Moncayo, a holistic veterinarian, has noted these side effects: vomiting, skin rashes, and possible adrenal gland problems.

I do not recommend commercial pesticide products for flea control even though manufacturers claim they are safe. These products are composed of active and "inert" ingredients both of which may cause toxic reactions. The actives kill the flea; the "inerts" make the pesticides more potent or easier to use.

Common actives in flea insecticide products are pyrethrin,
pyrethroids, organophosphates, carbamates, organochlorines,
imidacloprid, and fipronyl. All these insecticides kill fleas by
interfering with their nervous system. All potentially cause toxic
reactions in pets and humans, including excess saliva, skin rashes,
diarrhea, vomiting, tremors and seizure.

Of special concern are the organophosphates which are responsible for most pet poisonings and yet are among the most common active ingredients. On June 8, 2000 the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency banned chlorpyrifos, an organophosphate, from most indoor and outdoor uses because of its risk to children's health, particularly nervous system and brain development. But chlorpyrifos has not been banned in Canada and is still used in flea collars.

"Inert" ingredients may also be volatile and toxic. Among Canada's 50 most toxic chemicals one-third are "inerts". Chemicals banned as actives can be used as "inerts". Manufacturers are not required to list "inerts", they are regarded as trade secrets.

Exposure to chemical insecticides can occur through skin contact and inhalation during application. Once you have dipped, shampooed, powdered, sprayed, or flea-collared your pet, or sprayed your floors and furniture, you and your family members are further exposed to insecticides from touch, gassing off, and contact with any surface that pets have rubbed against or slept upon. Children are at greater risk because of their tendency to put their hands in their mouths after handling pets.

Stay flea free by pesticide free methods and keep your family and your pet healthy.

Andrea Johnson lives in Halifax and is interested in environmental health issues. She recommends Dr. Pitcairn's Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats for more pet health tips. Manufacturer's information on Program can be found at
Here is another cut and paste from the same site....haven't had a chance to read it yet..not sure if useful for dogs:

Biting Insects - What to Do?
UPdate Summer 2001
Now that you've stopped using pesticides on your lawn, you probably want to stop using them on your body. Spreading pesticides on your skin, hair and clothes doesn't make a lot of sense. DEET, the most common ingredient in chemical bug repellants is no longer allowed to be labeled "safe for children" by the US Environmental Protection Agency.

But what to do about biting insects? Bug shirts ( and pants and gloves) are the best protection. Don't get the chemically treated armed forces version. Chemical free bug shirts, with hoods roomy enough for a sun hat, allow for bite free gardening, fishing, and other outdoor summer fun. There are also pesticide free bug repellents. Usually the main ingredient is citronella. Mosquitos are attracted to sweet scents (perfumed products), dark clothes and sweat. Using peppermint soap or unscented soaps and shampoos can make you less attractive to mosquitos. And studies have shown that waving your hands around to shoo mosquitos away actually has the opposite effect, it attracts them.

At home you can put a fan out on your deck on calm summer nights. Mosquitoes are weak flyers and the breeze it creates should keep them away from you. You can plant mosquito repelling plants around a deck or in planters. Lemon thyme, lemon balm, scented geraniums and basil are some which work. Providing a hospitable habitat for mosquito predators also makes sense. Bats can eat 600 mosquitoes per hour, a large dragonfly can eat 100 in one feeding foray, and toads are also big mosquito consumers. So perhaps some bat and toad houses would be a good addition to your yard.
and lastly, here is the website address where I found these 2 articles. It is the Guide to Less Toxic Products, put together by people with MCS in NS, where I am treated. This guide you will see as a link on many environmentally green sites in the US as a resource of safer alternatives to many products. You may want to have a peek.

Let me know if you think either of the postings have any good ideas. Good luck, Joy


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