This has been a long and draining day for me. Dante got attacked and I got bitten by a stray dog while walking this afternoon. I've never seen Dante react like that! The second he realized the dog bit me he freaked. He looked like he would have chased that dog to the end of the earth! I had to carry him the rest of the way home, whle the owner of the dog stood by and watched without saying a word. I called animal control immediately, but for some reason, after them driving around for 45 minutes, the dog is still sitting out there!! Dante is ok, and after a long ER visit, I am too. Lots of antibiotics, antiseptic cleaners, and all that jazz. I'm calling them again tomorrow about that dog, I very much want to make sure it doesn't have rabies!

This is the exact same dog that Pippa did such an amazing job of ignoring this morning. I'm worried that if things like this keep happening, Dante will have a permanent distrust of other dogs. Especially now that we don't have a single safe area to walk the dogs without driving somewhere (not very realistic with 3 small children).

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What I do for cuts:  keep it covered, cloth fabric band-aids soaked with Neosporin ointment.   The petrolatum ointment keeps it from drying out, the antibiotics suppress infection.  This is for superficial wounds, not deep punctures.  About a week. 

thank you!

Our Tenby was jumped on by a BIG dog (lab/newfy mix) when he was 9 months.  I wish we had tried/known to socialize him around dogs after that because he hates dogs.  Corgi's are fine whether he knows them or meets them on the street but other dogs he doesn't tolerate.   

Glad to hear your manager is doing something. Living in that kind of environment is hard. My family was in a similar situation when I was a kid. We were fortunate that they were able to get out. Unfortunately, the nice looking neighborhood we moved to concealed the trashy attitudes of the kids I had to go to school with.

If the parents of the kids who play near the dog know he has bitten someone, you have done all you can be expected to do. Keep yourself and your kids safe.

They finally picked up the dog! I am so relieved now. I'm meeting uo with someone tomorrow to have a bit of a doggy playdate to make sure Dante doesnt start to develop problems with other dogs.



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