So Rocky's parents are getting married and would like Rocky to be a part of their engagement photo shoot! Does anyone know where is a good place to get a tuxedo that would fit a Corgi relatively well? :)


So Rocky received his 'tuxedo' last week and I finally got him to stay still long enough to take a picture :) Hopefully, our photographer will be able to take better pictures than me with my iPhone. LOL!

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I have heard you can buy size 2 toddler clothes and shorten the sleeves, you could try a thrift shop for a little jacket, shirt and bow tie, there are also kids consignment stores in my area where you can get good kids clothes less expensive than new.

Congrats on the good news!

Don't know, but I hope you post a followup picture when it's all said and done :-)

Costume websites have a pretty awesome selection. Don't know how "well" they fit, but you can order larger and hem as needed ;-)

Not a tuxedo, but this shop,

has items with bride, groom and dog. Tote bags, bandanas, cards. Not a corgi, but this woman does make corgi themed designs.

Lilliput says congrats.

Yappily Ever After Groom Dog

Dapper Dog Tuxedo

Weddingstar 6008

William Dog Tuxedo Vest

Are some ideas..They all look like they have smaller leg parts, so they should fit.. As Corgis have a relatively normal body shape, it's just their legs that throw them off lol.

Wow Kymii, great internet shopping, they are really reasonably priced, too. I'll bet all these places make cute bride dogs....

Boy they're cute Kymii, we should all get Tuxes for our Corgis and crash this wedding! :-D

When Edison was ring bearer at a wedding last summer, we just put him in my husband's bowtie.  He has a natural white shirt-front, so he looked dapper!  Google Image Search for "corgi bowtie" and you will see what I mean.  :)


Thanks for all the helpful advice! I will definitely post a picture of Rocky in his tuxedo once I get one for him! has TONS of options and all the shop owners will tailor to your dog. I will be getting tux fronts for kirby(jack russel) and klaus next year as klaus is still growing. Lol. Our dogs are going to be the ring bearers. Kirbys my fiancees dog so he will bring my ring to him and vise versa for klaus. Lady i talked to is adding a velcro pouch for the rings on the backside of the collar for me :)


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