Well Becca just had a run in with another aggressive dog in the neighborhood. A friend has a golden retriever who has anxiety issues. It is a neighborhood joke that he is brain damaged from a house fire when he was a puppy.

Anyway Becca and I were next door to his house talking to his owner, a friend of mine. He got out the door past one of the kids and ran down the street. (When he gets loose he runs full out) Then he doubled back, ran up to Becca and bit her. I kicked him off and felt bad, but what else do you do? He took off on another tear so I grabbed Becca and ran into another friends house. She came running and helped me check Becca over. Slobber, but it didn't break the skin.

His owner came and apologized. It's the first time he has gone after another dog. It scared both Becca and I, but I understand that he isn't entirely stable.

I guess I need advice in how to deal with these encounters when they happen. How do I best protect Becca while not getting bitten myself?

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Amy: Your method is how I would approach things like this also. I've noticed that even if a person won't give you an answer at the time of the discussion, you have given them something to think about, and you may see a future improvement.

Melissa, this is the item I bought:

It varies from state to state, but it is legal here in California. The website says SALES PROHIBITED TO: Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, DC, Annapolis, Baltimore, and Philadelphia.

I used to carry pepper spray but also decided to upgrade to the stun baton after hearing about more spray ending up on me or my dog than on the attacking dog. I could never get the spray out, unlatched and aimed fast enough!

Sidney wouldn't let me pick him up...he goes into berserker fighter mode!

It seems like you would want to condition your dog to not be afraid of it before you use it in a scary situation?

The first time I tested it, just by switching it on to see if it worked, Sid ran off to a corner. I've tested it a few more times before heading out on a walk (to make sure it was still charged) and his reaction has reduced...so I think he's gotten adjusted to it.

I just make sure I am very aware of my surroundings. The pepper spray is hanging on the handle of his leash and if I am walking in an unfamiliar area or at night I will carry the spray in my hand, unlocked, and aimed forward. Its one of those very small spray units that is easily held in your palm. My only fear with a baton is that Franklin would think its the most amazing stick ever! Lol. He can be a bit obsessive about things like that. Luckily I haven't had to use the pepper spray and have avoided bad situations just by being very aware of my surroundings and avoiding confrontations, but I know that isn't 100% so carry peppery spray just in case. I am going to consider the baton though, great idea for my safety too, especially since I do walk alone a lot.


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