My corgi has a spot just before his nose that has no pigment - a pink spot about the size of a dime.  Because he does agility, and would rather be outside than inside, I put doggy sunscreen on his nose.  I used to have one that was cream, but I can't find it any more.  All I can find is doggy sunscreen in a spray form.  However, in  spite of the fact that Bandit is smart, I don't think I can teach him to close his eyes and hold his breath for me to spay the sunscreen on his nose.  Now I just spay it on my palm and transfer it to his nose.  Does anyone know or use a cream doggy sunscreen?

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Yes Terry, you want to use baby sunscreen, colour / odorless / hypoallergenic ones.

I was just going to recommend this :) I use it on both my pooches.


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