The move has gone very well and we are all settled in our home finally.

Roxi however is still settling and getting used to the new sounds/smells/roomies and well.. more bugs.

This evening she came up to me with a bump on her nose that caused me to worry (little girl hasn't had a bump since her first shots so mom went AAA!) that went down with a cuddle with the parents and an ice pack on the bump.

after a walk she came back with a bump under her eye and another at the tip of her nose.. thus making me think the mosquitos are loving that fresh vermont blood.

I read that vinegar helps with itching and that rubbing dryer sheets on the pup will help keep them at bay but I was curious if anyone knows exactly what mosquito bites on a dog looks like. She doesn't seem to be itchy but they did appear and vanish just like regular mosquito bites... She's staying with us tonight in our room and we're watching her carefully just in case but Im sure its just that.

Was curious on any thoughts and ideas? (if the new two ones dont go away and/or she shows warning signs we will be taking her to a vet)

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What you've describe sounds like mosquito bites, especially the going away part. citronella will be your best bet, avoid taking your dog out during sun rise and sun sets, especially the coming weeks, due to the rain, the mosquitos are coming in swamps. Make sure you have your heartworm medication on time and check the news for possible west nile outbreak. We did have an episode down here in FL and killed several horses.
awww poor horses :( yea I lightly rubbed her head today with a drier sheet lol she came back with no bumps so I guess it worked. she also just got her heartworm and gook on her neck yesterday morning so she should be good for those.

I am worried about the west nile though. We're always watching her so hopefully any first signs we'll catch.

I'll also look into citronella for pups :) Thanks!
You may consider using canine Advantix which also repels mosquitoes. Not for use in a home with cats, it is very toxic to them. Works to repel fleas, ticks and mosquitoes. May be a nice alternative for you. Hope too your pup is on heartworm prevention. This is spread by mosquitoes.
I really recommend that you don't use dryer sheets. These contain a neurotoxin; can cause neurological damage. They are one of the highest allergens in the human world. I would do a google search on Fabric softeners and neurotoxins and you'll be surprised.

My breeder recommended putting Vick's vapor rub on the nose and around the inside of the ears. i haven't done this; instead I try to avoid taking him out when mosquitos are heavy. I try to stay away from using any chemicals that i don't have to.
Wow! Very interesting, so are dryer sheets bad to use even in the dryer? Do they add toxins to our clothes?
Absolutely!!! If you read my story, you now about my Multiple Chemical Sensitivities. One of the most toxic substances for me to be around is any sort of fabric softener...dryer sheets, liquid, etc. I literally can't walk down the fabric softener isle in the grocery store without having a reaction. Also, no one can come to my home that has used them on their clothes. I did some research on them and that is how I found out I wasn't alone. I have run into many people who don't have what I have but when I mention the problems I have with fabric softener; many tell me that they can't walk down isles, too. Yes, they are absolutely made up of pretty serious toxins. It is really easy to find out about, just do a google search.

It is amazing in North America what chemicals can be used without being labelled as carcinogenic, etc. In England, they have to label everything like this, hair colour, shampoo, cleaners and detergents with the chemical names and the boxes are actually labelled with which chemicals cause cancer. We are really behind over here and assume because nothing is listed that it is safe. We are so naive; I wish I knew a few years ago what I know now and maybe I wouldn't have gotten this sick.
I didn't know they had toxins in them... I did try it before reading this and it seemed to work fine. I'm not allergic to anything though so I guess that helps and Roxi didn't seem to mind either.

I agree with not taking the pup out when mosquitos are heavy but gottah do it at least three times to let the poor thing potty lol

knowing now though ill seek a different way to keep the bugs at bay... right now it seems the season is over and she's doing fine without problems so I guess I have a couple months to figure this one out :)

Im sorry to hear about your sensitivities.. I had a friend in college who couldn't use cleaners because of something like that... she ended up using a lot of organic cleaning solutions.
We visited my parents in northern Maine with black flies, mosquito bites etc. It was so bad last year with them biting Corey's nose. I changed him to Advantix this year when I visited my mom and Corey was very happy. Advantix repels mosquito's!
My vet suggested if the Advantix didn't work I could use Skin so soft on Corey. Call your vet but she said it was ok!


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