i am at the end of my rope with my corgi. She is the 4th one I have owned in my life, and i am having a devil of a a time with her.  i am thinking of rehoming her.  She is a yar old, and still is not completely housebroken.  She does ok for a while, but the other night she  peed 3 x and pooped once. She can hold it, but is choosing not to.

i cannot get her to do a proper recall. We have clicker trained her, but once there is no food involved, she totally blows me off.  i hate to resort to a shock collar, but i may have to.


i have never had these issues with my other corgis, and have shown in both breed and obedience, so i know how willful the breed can be.

But boy, she is making me nuts.

any advice?

or does anyone know of a place that i can rehome her to?  I think she needs someone with more time thatn I can give her.



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For some dogs, one year is still very immature.  I wish you could find a way to rally and re-concentrate your efforts.  In agility they remind us that when a dog fails at a skill, you don't take them back one step, you take them back to the beginning.  I wish you both luck!


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