Well, I have been wondering this for a while now. I have recently been trying to get Napolean used to being handled but I can't do that when I don't even know how to handle him myself, physically speaking.

Do you grab them under their stomach so you're supporting their torso? This is the only way I've managed to pick up Napolean. I find that corgis are really top heavy and not all that flexible, which makes picking them up a challenge, as you can easily hurt them by carelessly bending a back leg or something.

Is there a certain way you hold your corgis? If so, tell me or give some tips so I know how and allow him to be as comfortable as possible in my arms (or anyone else's for that matter). Thanks in advance!

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Kota likes to jump, but not into my arms. If he knows I'm going to pick him up he stands up and stands there straight until I pick him up. i have found that if i put most of his weight in my arm with his chest he is much more relaxed and doesn't freak out when I go to set him down. If his weight is more to the rear he will kind of wiggle around and freak out. Now, just holding him while I'm laying down or sitting in a big chair with arms and such is much different, I can pretty much reach over and pick him up from any position and put him in almost any position on me as long as I grasp him firmly and use both hands/arms to support the movement. 

I can usually carry Scout around under one arm.  I use the full length of my lower arm So my elbow is behind her rib cage, her side hearest me is cradled above my hip, and my hand is supporting between her front legs.  Might post a pic later if I can get hubby to cooperate...lol.

Having a long backed dog before P.D. I was aware of the problems.  I have always made it a point to scoop up his back end so he is supported on both ends!


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