Bento's whiskers are two-toned.  One side is black and the other side is white.  It's been like this since he came to us at 8 weeks.  Is this common?  Is it a corgi thing?  I've been around other dogs before, but I've never noticed dog whiskers until Bento's, and I don't remember other dog's whiskers as two-toned.

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Stumpy's are like this! Her black whiskers are on her "red" side of her snout and the white ones are are on the white part! I think it's adorable. Almost like how white nails go with pink paw pads and black/darker nails go with black paw pads :)

I've never noticed about the nail color/foot pad connection.  I think Bento has mostly black paw pads, but mostly white nails except for this one nail that's black.  I'll have to go and check now.

Yes! It's really strange, most of Stumpy's paw pads are all pink with white nails, one hind paw that has 1 black digit and it has a darkish/grey nail(not totally 100% black). Let me know what you find! :)

I checked Bento's paw pads and they're splotchy.  It's a mixed of black and pink.  They used to be completely pink when he was younger.  I wonder when they changed colors.  I don't trim them because I'm afraid to, so I don't handle his paws often (actually at all).   His nails are all pink except for one, which is black.

My Maxwell also has the "2-toned" whiskers....This thread has got me wondering about something else....(Not color related, but whisker related)...Is it normal for a Corgi to have "Whiskers" under their chin/on their neck?? Our Maxwell has 2 or 3 growing in one spot on his neck/throat area...Is this normal?? I'll make a point of asking our vet to check the area when we go back for Maxwell's last round of vaccinations in a couple weeks, but until then am just curious???
BTW, LOVE all the close-up of the individual Corgi's..I always enjoy looking at them..

Bento has a few "wandering whiskers" under his chin, near his neck, and where the edge of his lips are.  I was amazed at how much more whiskers Bento had that're not where one usually associates them to be; namely his nose and snout. 

Stumpy also has black whiskers, two each on the far sides of both of cheeks like dimples :) and random white whiskers under her chin(fur is white there also). I think they give her tons of character but my BF has contemplated trimming the ones on her chin since he thinks they are out of place lol

Can you trim whiskers?  I thought it will mess up their sense of balance.  Or is that for cats?  Or maybe that's just an old wives' tale?

I've read that you can actually trim and even remove whiskers if you are showing corgis. I believe it's cats who use their whiskers for balance :) 

My Gracie has the same thing- white on one side and black on the other. Her breeder told me that she got it from her dad!

Awwwww, she's so cute!  I never even thought about the whiskers being a trait that can be passed down.  

Ours has two toned in both sides too. Reckon corgis can sport around any tone and pull it off fashionably :)


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