It seems like we've had numerous broken teeth recently at MyCorgi.

Usually these posts come with a warning not to chew on bones or antlers, but I have no idea how he did this. He does have bones and antlers, but the vet told me that tooth is used for picking up things and grooming. The only thing I can think of is his hard plastic frisbees, so I've thrown them all away. 

He broke it at the beginning of the month, but my vet felt that it was minor and could wait a few weeks to be removed. Since Tucker's teeth were fairly clean, he felt that is was a shame to put him under anesthesia. There was some pulp visible, but Tucker hardly reacted when it was probed. He has been eating fine. I wanted to get it out soon, though, to prevent infection. Besides, I'm sure it was hurting and Tucker was too macho to admit it.

He went in yesterday to have it extracted. When they probed it before surgery, it started to bleed, so it was definitely time for it to go. My estimate from the vet was that it could cost anywhere from $243-414 depending on how difficult the tooth was to extract, though he assured me it would be on the lower end since Tucker had already done recent blood work. For those interested, it ended up being $239. I also had his teeth cleaned while he was under, which is not included in that price (an additional $81). In addition, he had his yearly fecal and heart worm test done... my vet was super nice and gave me a $50 discount off my total without any prompting from me. 

One of my friends likened him to the dentist from the Hangover. hahaha He was super grumpy yesterday, but is considerably more jolly this morning.

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Poor Boy....hope hes on the way to healing.

Thank you! He was feeling good enough to go for a short hike today. I'm still watering down his food, but he seems to be recovering well.


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