So last Thursday 5/1/08 @ 5:45 we come home from work to find Chloe acting all funny. She kept trying to hide in her house and under the beds. So i turned her over to fine her starting to dialate and the first sack starting to poke out. Almost 8hrs later we had 6 pups but unfortunately only 5 made it, 3 girls and 2 boys.

Here's some pics


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What gorgeous markings! Congratulations! Make sure to keep us posted on their progress (read: keep posting more pictures!!!). :)
They are just too cute. Congrats! Are you going to sell them? If so I hope they find really good homes. Thanks for sharing.
omg that is what is gonna be happening to my dog in about 2 weeks. what did you have to do once the puppies started to come out. was there anything important? plesae get back to me! thanks
Aww congratulations! They are absolutely adorable!
We helped break the sacks that the puppies are in as soon as they came out and started to rub them and clean out ther nostrils and mouths to get them to breath. Once they yelp once I would give them back to the mom so she could continue with the cleaning. Make sure you get the same number of placentas as there are puppies.
okay.. what do you mean placentas.. like what exactly is going to come out after the puppys come out and what do you do with the placentas? thanks for your help i apprciate it so much.. did you get xtras or ultra sounds done to the mother dog before she had her babys?
Hey, congrats! I think we met Chloe a while back at one of the SF corgi meet ups when she was just a puppy herself! Wow, and she's a mommy now! How time flies... :) Hope the little ones are doing well.


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