Won't eat normal food and we're going away on holiday

Hi all

I hope someone has some ideas to help us!

Our Corgi, Fortie, won't eat his regular dog food, ie the dry food. He loves his treats, hangs around me while I'm preparing/eating food waiting for something to drop but when it comes to his food he barely eats any.

We tried the method of taking it away if he doesn't eat and making him hungry so he will eat: it worked a couple of times then he just wouldn't eat at all. He would actually spit the food out because he didn't like it.... We changed brands and that seemed to work and then he started not eating it again. So we started adding a little something to the dry food to make it more interesting: a splash of milk or we'd cook up a piece of meat in water and use a little of the 'juice' to put on the dry food. This works well.

However, in a few weeks we have to go away for a wedding and none of our friends can look after him while we're away. So it looks like we will have to leave him in a kennel for the week and I'm worried he won't eat while he's there! We've started trying to make him eat the dry food but it's day three and he's still barely eaten anything : / First day he ate half his food in the end but only because I sprinkled a little cheese over the top! This morning I put a fresh bowl of food out and locked him in a room so he'd have no choice but to be near the food and he pushed it around a bit and ate a couple of bites and that's all. I'm going to try again throughout the day but does anyone have any other ideas on what to do??

He's a Corgi -- he should eat! I'd prefer that to have to watch his diet for over-eating rather than for not eating :,(

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Exactly.  I started by feeding twice a day only.  I put the food down and Seanna had 20 minutes to eat it.  Then I picked it up, and it wasn't offered again until the next time it was due.  It took her only 3 days before she learned she better eat it when I offered it, or she was gonna go hungry.  We lost 5 pounds doing this.  :-)


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