Mocha is the Jedi master in the house, his force is strong and not a whole lot of things in life can rattle him. His only nemesis is the Darth "blender".

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For my Dylan its a few things..the telephone ringing will make him bark and if your on it too long--he'll let you know too.

When I sneeze or hiccup he is all over me barking. I thought at first it was just loud things that hurt his ears, i.e Blender, sirens etc but the sneezing and hiccuping is quite the ordeal. Oh and if your excited and jumping up and down because your fave football team scored. Last night during the Chargers game was quite eventful, lol
My corgi also runs up to me barking when I sneeze. That is the only time he ever runs up at me barking. Coughing doesn't seem to make him do that, only sneezing. Since he is an adoption, I always wondered what happened in his background to make him act that way when I or someone else sneezes. Since yours does it also, maybe it is normal for the breed. He doesn't like it even when I play like I am going to sneeze, lol .
My Ritz used to bark at me when I sneezed too. He barked at our cockoo clock when it cuckoos. However, he seems to have outgrown that now he's older-16 1/2 months old. He's really quite fearless except for the garbage truck (the sound it makes). He hates motorbikes too. Barks like crazy! Many dogs that I know are afraid of thunder and lightning but not Ritz. ;o)
ours bark at the sneezes too. also coughs and heavy breathing. (it's not what you think- I mean that they don't mind when I exercise, except when I breathe hard.)
Dugan does the same thing. I just fiquire it sounds like a bark to him.
Copper doesn't care if you sneeze but if you blow your nose into a tissue. He does not like that one bit and he HATES when I talk in a high or deep voice. He gets so upset and makes all these grunting noises and huffs and low growls. HILARIOUS!
Our Corgi Scooter hates the vacuum cleaner. Our Corgi Rusty couldn't care less about the vacuum cleaner but hates it when a car pulls up by us with its motor running. He also hates big, loud trucks like the UPS truck.
Moira goes nuts at windshield wipers. Funniest thing you ever saw! One night after work, we were leaving for home. Got in the car and turned the wipers on. It was raining like crazy. (One thing about Mobile, we get tons of rain.) I thought she had to go potty. So I pulled over near a grass spot, got her out, and stood in the rain. She stopped barking and looked at me like I was bonkers. We got back in the car and she barked again. Got out and stood in the rain. Same thing happens. Dense me finally figured out she was barking at the wipers!!! Cracked me up. Riding with her in the rain is always an adventure.
Sneezing makes Cooper bark and charge you. Vacuum cleaner is way on top of the list. But the funniest is when you shuffle your feet he will start "FRAPPING". Running around the house from room to room jumping on the couch and back charging in circles. Funny to watch. We call it Frantic random acts of play. Anyone who has a Corgi has experienced it, Im sure!
I always called it 'crazy dog'. I didn't know about this when I first got Henry and it scared the you know what out of me. I thought something was very, very wrong with my baby!
The mailman. The dog goes crazy nuts every day the mailman delivers the mail. You would think the dog would get over it.
When Ginny came to us she was deathly afraid of wood and linoleum floors. Only carpet was safe. She was even afraid of a fake painted wood floor. She's much better now when she realizes that peanut butter is on the other side of the wood floor...

Jinks was freaked out by wheels- any wheels (pin wheels, bicycle wheels, car wheels) but one frozen burrito on the microwave carousel cured him.


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