Does this happen to your corgis? Sometimes Charlie is just not in the mood for a walk. We have a one-mile walk from our house (I think it's ok for a 3,5 month old puppy). I usually take him there once a day. At the week-ends, however, I can take him for a walk twice a day. And he does not always want to go. He sits down on the ground every few yards, he looks very.. pensive, if I can say so. And I have to make him to go.

This morning we were able to do it just a half-way, and I said "Okay, if you are not in the mood, let's go home". That's where he became very happy, and ran home at the maximum speed. When we got home, he ran in circles around the house, bite his toys, and seemed very happy to be home.

He was not scared at the walk, he was not tired, he has not had any bad encounters before. It was just not his regular walk hours. But when I was buying a dog, I had an assumption that dogs are always willing to go for a good walk, and a happy dog is a tired dog.

So, how do your fur-kids behave at the walk? Are they always happy and willing to go?

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interesting! please, let me know if it gets easier for him!
I dunno your pup but for me that would be a sign of "I'm done"

I know when we ran around with Roxi at 4 months in the back field about 30 min in she would lay down to let us know she was done.. then sleep the rest of the afternoon lol. As she got older the time outside got longer and longer and eventually we had to cut her off at an hour hahaha.

Now she lasts in the dog park for about 2 and a half hours.. she lets us know she's ready by jumping into our laps.

As for walking now I think she'll go until she passes out. Maybe its just their different personalities... or just keep at it? I wish I was more helpful in this haha.
that was interesting to read - how different dogs behave. Thanks, Avyon, thanks, Jenny.
Kobi had the same problem when I first got him. He would just sit there and not nudge one bit.. I would have to say, "Come on Kobi!". & then he would walk like he was unhappy or forced to .

But, I've had him a month now, and we have no problems. I think it just took him some time to adjust to his new environment!

Hopefully Charlie will be the same way! :D
Thank you, Krystal, I hope so too! :)
Yes, I call this flat dog! Corey likes to do this and Holly too! I have a forum on it. Check it out the title is flat dog. There are even pictures!
Charlie actually just sits with a very thoughtful look. I know, he is going to be a Great Thinker, instead of a Great Hiker, he-he :)
My five month old does the same thing! When I take him for walks with another dog he will walk for me, but when it is just me and him, he will plop down after about 10 minutes sometimes. As he has gotten older, he does this less and less though. When I first got him (13 weeks), he refused to go for a walk all together.
I'm currently in the same boat as you are. I just adopted Maximus 5 days ago. The first and second day he was AWESOME on a leash. We walked by cars, buses, tons of other people, didn't phase him at all. But then on the second day, we went on a long long walk (we got lost) and ended up going on a 6 mile hike. Ever since then he just sits when we leave our property. Even though he has boundless energy as soon as we get into the house. I figured he was just super pooped out and sore from the walk but he's had a few days to recover now. And so I guess maybe he's just got some anxiety from realizing he isn't going back from his original home? He already is a year old so that very well may be it. Hopefully I'll be lucky as some folks and he just gets over it.
Good luck, Johnny. I hope your dog, as well as my dog, overcome these issues! Can't wait, though :)
Hi Johnny!
Give him plenty of positive reinforcement (favorite treats!) and he should come around soon. I've heard it takes about a month for a dog to feel at home in a new place. Congrats on you new pup!
Thanks a bunch!

He's definitely into the treats. My only concern was that he was pretty happy to walk the first couple of days.


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