Jaybe had her litter tonight. there was 2 little girls and one boy. the 2 little girls slipped right out. we had all our materials ready but jaybe did everything. as soon as the placenta came she ate it, she broke the sac and bite the cord. the last one , the little boy came out feet first, he wasnt in this postion in the xray though.. he got caught in the middle of comming out and was stuck.. she was having a lot of contractions.. after a few minutes we tried to help her pull it out but not to hard because we didnt want to hurt her. once he finally came out he wasnt breathing. we have a couple of books that told us to try getting all the liquids out and try doing this arc swing, we even tried cpr with mouth to mouth for him. nothing worked. what could have gone wrong? was there anythin we could of done? we know that the puppy was moving because we saw his back legs moving when he first got pushed out and was stuck in jaybe.. but after 5 minutes of her contractions and her pushing.. he stoped moving.. thanks for everyones help.. the two girls are perfect...

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i was so sad about the little boy. i wish there was something i could do.. but i think because jaybe was so tired after the first two.. it was harder for her to continue with the contractions, i cant stop thinking about it. but the other two little girls are doing great! its been about 11 hours now since they have been born. i have been watching them all night! cant sleep too excited! milking great and everything. i have been giving jaybe milk too because she hasnt been wanting to drink water much.. but she is loving the milk. the babies are feeding off her constantly and she is taking great care of them. does any body know if the milk situation is okay? thanksss!
Congratulations Jaybe, sorry to hear about the little boy. :( Cant wait to see pictures of the new puppies.
jaybe is great today and so are her girls :)
thank you.. it was hard but of course we had to move on.. the sac didnt break though... because we helped her rip it open to try and get him air... i was wondering when do the babies stop breathing inside the mother ? as soon as they come out? or during the whole thing? he was kicking his legs out when they were sticking out thats how we knew he was still alive.. but it took about 15-20 minutes of her to fully contract him out... the other too she had a sit up position and pushed them right out.. with the last one she was laying down.. she seemed as if she was completely worn out which im sure she was.. but it looked like she didnt have the strength to do so.. i think it could of been with how young she was.. being so sore... and fragile just didnt have it in her.. it was about an hour and a half too.. while the others were about just an hour apart.. i am weening her off the milk and adding water in it.. i was using the puppy formula because my vet told me that the milk will most likely cause diarrhea, but i think her eating the placentas did that also... at first she wasn't eating but i started hand feeding her ha ha stubborn corgi girl. but she is doing good she is panting a lot and will refuse water.. i heard Gatorade is even good for her too.. but i have been giving her chicken and rice broth and i have very good minerals and vitamins for her that my vet recommenced .. i was feeding her turkey but i know its not enough nutrients so i have her on puppy and cat food which she is loving.. the puppies are sucking the life out of her and are so adorable.. i will post pictures soon. thanks for all your help. we were so prepared but we just did not know what to do when the boy got stuck.. i feel as if we got the "ocxton " ( not sure on the spelling) shot it could of helped him..but who knows...
jaybe is very young.. and thats why i figure that she had a hard time with the last one the pups arent that large. the other two came out very quickly with no problem at all. i am thinking about giving her gatoraid beause she doesnt want the water she loves the milk because of the taste. the vet gave me the cat food b.c she is being spoiled and not really interested in the dog food. when i feed her she eats very good.. when i give her the milk even watered down she drinks it all and she eats all the cat food mixed with the dog food. but she refuses to eat the dog food and drink water.. im not just throwing different types of food at her just to see but i know she needs to eat i rather give her something than nothing especially because these pups love to feed.
she will take a couple of sips of water but not enough to make her stop panting.. we keep it pretty warm in the room we keep her and the pups in and she is use to lots of air condtioning and as soon as we took her to the vet she stoped panting because it was nice and cool .. before she had her pups she would chug the water like it was her job! i donno why she is being so picky picky now..
its funny because whenever i get on this website i get so full of questions.. ha ha nobody i really know around where i live on longisland have corgis.. but right after i commented back the first time i went to give jaybe water because i always try it before i give her milk..but she denies it . whenever she drinks the milk shes better and seems hydrated again but after she is done nursing she seems very thirsty.. she drank plenty of water and ate a bunch of food.. shes nursing again right now too... the first puppy is 12 ounces and the second one is 11.5 they have been nursing and pooping too. :) this is a crazy experince and i love it more and more everyday.. i love how jaybe loves how i hold her babies when she is goin to the bathroom and after comes inside and lays on my lap she is doing so good.. today we took her to the vet and they did x-rays they tested her and they checked her milk and her nipples they said she is in great condition.. i hope all the information is correct but she was just acting a bit sensitve for the first day... right before she gave birth she drank a ton of water, after words she seemed as if she wanted the water but not as interested and thats not like her.. but just before everything seemed back to normal.. she is having a bloody like discharge thats a bit clingy.. the vet told me that it is normal and that it should be gone in the next 3 days and if not we would just start a antibiotic of a low dosage .. does this seem right ? thanks for your info everyone i appreciate it! by the way does anyone know of a good wet puppy food to feed jaybe right now instead of the cat, her stomach gets upset easily over to rich of a food.. thanks for the info
oh the puppys pad is light blue its just a cover that goes over it.. its always on low and we turn it off once and a while.. we even put the AC on for 5 minuteswhen it gets to clammy.. and we have a couple fans around the room but not where the pups can feel the draft.. it does get warm but not that warm i understand a room around 75 degrees .. thats where we are at and i read in Breeding For Dummies.. by the way is it bad to pull during a breech delievery ? i really did not want to hurt Jaybe.. i did not know if i should after the 10 minutes though and than it turned out to be 20 ugh . but im jw. thanks.
i use to feed them wet food all the time when they were young puppies.. i weaned them off it and only feed them kibbles but i feel as if she really needs all the food she can get right now usually she would make the food disappear i have been giving her but shes not and that worries me i want to be able to get enough nutrients.
we decided not to doc the tails... they are so cute.. i think its the cutest things in the world!
i love the little butts too.. corkies is shaped as a heart and its the cutest thing ever.. but these little babies with the tails.. i just dont want to..
i am not a breeder. i am not trying to empress anyone by docking my babies tails.. i understand why people like it but they have the cutest little tails. thats fine if you guys would but i am not going to yes of course i will take the dew claws off i know that could be dangerious..


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