Max had developed a slight tremor in his hind legs and then some weakness...trouble getting his feet under him on slippery floors and sitting down when it wasn't intended.  He also has 2 fatty lumps on his neck.  They have been static for several months...not my first rodeo with those pesky things but I wanted him to check them.

Part is what I thought it might be and the other blindsided me.

He has progressive posterior paralysis, which is common among dogs with long spines as you all know. There is nothing that can be done...because it's degeneration of the spine, acupuncture will not do anything. He has no pain and won't from this because the signals between his back end and brain aren't firing correctly.

The lumps...tho they feel like the fatty tissue kind to me they aren't. It's his lymph his neck, which are ones I originally felt, also in his shoulders which I didn't feel and behind his knees in his back legs. The ones in his back legs are not affecting his walking problem. So, my boy has lymphoma.

He has had the ones on his neck for several months and they have not grown which is good. If they do start to enlarge we will try steroids which can help shrink them for a time. Spent almost an hour talking with Dr Tremper about what can be done, what should be done and what his recommendations are. Basically...keep doing what I'm doing and watch. Trying to do even a needle biopsy (which he does not do..I would have to go to a oncologist) is expensive. Chemo doesn't work all that well on this and would be in the tens of thousands of dollars.

I have been with Dr Tremper for over 35 years. I know I can go and have all kinds of work ups done with someone else but I also know my vet and I know he will always be straight up with me on what I should do. And when your vet cries with you, you know he truly cares.

And I don't want to put Max thru all that stuff. He is 13. I want him happy and comfortable and as long as he is we will be grateful. 

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Gwynnie's getting clumsy, but she can still walk well.

The great thing about turmeric:  isn't that the spice that stains bright yellow, and when you try to wash it out, it turns dark purple because it's a pH indicator like litmus?  I'll bet it's great on white corgi throats!  <evil grin>

John....LOL, yup it's a bright yellow that's for sure!  Don't know about turning purple tho.  Thankfully it's a capsule so I hope I don't find out.


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